Well, I had a few goals planned out at the beginning of the year, and they're really not going to well. I had planned on learning how to program, but on succeeding at learning Visual Basic, I lost all reason. I'm still trying to learn Java before the end of the year Adanced Placement College test, but its not coming along.
My story is probably one of the two things thats actually getting my full attention. I know how its going to plan out basically, and like it, and I've written the rough copies of the first 3 chapters. I'm revising right now, expect the first up within a week.
I'm planning on doing the news for Maa's union, was supposed to have done it a while back, but some issues got in the way. Expect new articles up Friday.
Gaming wise, I've been going crazy. I got a few new old games to try (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Advance Wars: DS, Phoenix Wright 2, and New Super Mario Brothers). I plan on getting a 360 within a month of Christmas (I can afford one now, but I want to make sure I don't get any new games for my older systems, if you see how that logic works out). The games I plan to get are Call of Duty (Multiplayer), Blue Dragon (Rpg), and another bad ass game. Thats where I need your help. Ill take in responses (if any), and check those games out, because I really don't know whats good. Please make it a genre other than the two listed above.
And I saved my life news for last simply because I didn't want to start on a bad note, don't think I'm an ass for not mentioning it first. My cousin Trevor was recently placed in the Hospital for Leuchimia, which he contracted in the militiary, and he seems to be doing better now. Thats not a sure sign of it being gone, as he could regress at any time, but my hopes are up.
The militiary is definitely my course of action, so when I get out of school in May, I will be offline for an approxamated estimate of one year (officer training). I just took the asvab, and get my score back next week, so I'll let you guys know then. What I want to ask is that you guys keep me in your head for that time, and don't forget, because when its done I'll be coming back. What's badass is that the whole time your in training, your not only getting board, food, and workouts free, your also earning money that you can't touch. I expect to come out to about fourty thousand dollars, and if that sounds unreallistic, its not. Thats around the yearly pay for an O1, and if I can't spend it, what else can it do?
Thanks for listening. Later.