Welcome! This sure is a thing!
by seb_moran on Comments
After long deliberation, I've decided to finally make an account here and write reviews! This is my first, so I thought I'd just make a general blog post about myself and what games I'm interested in! Hello, my name is Sebastian and I've been playing video games since early, early childhood. My first system was a SEGA Genesis and my first franchise love was Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic 2 holds a near and dear place in my heart, especially now that I can beat Chemical Plant Zone without having a heart attack. I'm mainly interested in RPGs, especially good J-RPGs. I actually enjoy some degree of level grinding (I think that says a lot about my personality). I'm a compulsive completionist, so if I miss something I'll probably go back and play the game again. When I'm not playing those, I tend to gravitate towards grid-based turn-by-turn strategy, like Final Fantasy Tactics (Advance, 2, War of the Lions) and Tactics Ogre. Now that I'm more technologically savvy, I'm hunting down a lot of traditional RPGs, so if you have suggestions by all means give me them! I'm currently working through the Shin Megami Tensei franchise! I also do a fair amount of PC gaming. A huge amount of time is eaten by Sid Meyer's Civilization (IV and V, forcing myself not to buy Gods and Kings) and I'm really infatuated by Fable. When I upgrade my computer, I'll finally get around to playing Dragon Age all the way through. I have a pretty long list of queue'd games (thanks, Humble Bundle, GOG, IndieGala, Indie Royale, ETC). I'm playing through the Populous series, Disciples I and II, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and ye olde Baldur's Gate. When I'm not playing video games (often), I'm in class or writing long research papers. I do most of my gaming over the Breaks, although that time is getting slimmer now that I'm in University.
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