I take a look at Sony's E3 press conference, which tied with Microsoft's in my mind, and pretty much everybody else's (excluding moms, who are just super excited about sky diving).
GAWD Sony had the best speaker by leaps and bounds, a sense of humor is so necessary for these things that I'm surprised they haven't started hiring comedians already. Luckily, Jack Tretton actually knows what a punch line is, and makes light of the ridiculous number of leaks that squirted out hours before E3.
I know it happened in the middle, but I wanna talk about it now before I explode. OMG SONY MOTION CONTROLLER PWNS! Absolutely astounding, if you haven't seen it, you have to do so now. The prototype looks like part of a staff from LOTR but it doesn't matter b/c it is the most epic sauce on epic spaghetti thing ever. I don't know why they don't just release the thing now, I'd certainly buy a PS3 in a heartbeat, and it would make the Wii console itself ACTUALLY blush. The 1:1 ratio just blew me away, using it as a bow, a gun, racket, pencil, everything was completely impressive. If Sony times the release of that hardware properly in sync with the FFXIII release (b/c we all know that once SQUE releases a game for the new Sony system it is the driving force behind sales) they will see massive sales figures and might actually be able say what they've wanted to say for a few years - "I told ya so".
God of War 3 excited everybody, I'm just not a big fan of empty violence games like GOW or Dead Rising, so I wasn't too thrilled really, even though it does look satisfyingly violent and graphically gorgeous. I did notice that the standard fast attack combo is almost the exact same, AGAIN so I really hope they fix that because the combos get repetitive enough in one game, no need to carry that monotony over into your shiny new baby.
Final Fantasy 13 in english, which sounded very nice, and we got to see Odin for the first time. I'm trying to distance myself from press about the game because the more I care about a game, the less I want to read up on it, I do the same thing for Bioshock 2, so ya. Also Final Fantasy 14 was announced which was so shocking I had to rewind the video to make sure I heard properly. It's going to be an MMO, but will run alongside the very popular XI. Many of you might not know, but FFXI has lasted almost as long as WoW, and has certainly outlasted games like Age of Conan or Tabula Rasa, so SQUE knows how to do MMO's well, and I'm really looking forward to something that can tear me away from WoW forever.
Uncharted 2 was shown and it looked absolutely gorgeous. I haven't (sadly) played the first, but I am painfully aware of how good it is and I plan to play it as soon as I subscribe to GameFly. MAG was shown which looked like a much more tactical multiplayer experience rather than your hectic L4D experiences. I can just see it now: entering the queue for a 256 player deathmatch, putting my controller down, going to the grocery store, coming back, and starting the match. I hope their matchmaking system is GODLY or this game will flop so very very hard. Racing games were announced which I never pay any attention to, even though I do recognize a racing game as a genre, as opposed to sports games which I do not. We also say MGS for the PSP which of course looks gorgeous and amazing and I will buy it.
PSP GO was announced, but not at E3 cuz it got leaked, therefore not in this blog, SORRY GO.
Assassin's Creed 2 looks absolutely insane with much more maneuverability and vareity of killing, rather than just sitting around with short sword waiting to counter, you can do much more, and there are TWO HIDDEN BLADES to kill two nub guards with, and it's very fancy. The aesthetic is still there with the soft colors, which I thoroughly loved in AC1. Should be a very exciting release.
Finally there is The Last Guardian, being made by the same ppl as Shadow of the Colossus (one of my FAVES). The trailer shown was very emotional, on the same level as the "Where the Wild Things Are" trailer. The interaction with the boy and his beast looks very touching, and I'm usually not very mooshy gooshy, but that game just looks like it will leave a lasting impression on you, because the trailer itself did that on me already. I look forward to that game very much so.
Even though Sony did a bad job at keeping it's Secrets this year, it still managed to keep several tricks up its sleeve, and they were very impressive indeed.
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