I bought my Wii back in June and I only have two friends on it! I want people on my list, I have over 90 friends on Xbox Live.
My Wii Number is 0180 3044 8546 1641
Leave a post here with your friend ID if you add me and I will add you. I have Mario Kart, Smash Bros. for online games, I'm trying to build my Library but I'm scared to buy Wii games cause alot of them are ports and/or not good online wise, but if I can get some friends who recommend games to buy...:D
Oh yea, I also have Dr. Mario although I never play it, I have alot of Wiiware games. Anway, leave your code here. And BTW, I've seen the STICKY POST with the friend codes, but "it's not longer being updated", and how are people suppose to know you've added them when have haven't told them your ID?
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