Resistance 2
by seedofallevil on Comments
Alright Gamespot aficianados, i'm asking you Resistance 2 players out there to tell me why everyone thinks the Marksman is the weapon of gods? Here's what i think of it, and the game. Now yes, the Marksman is good at medium range, but it fails at sniping and at close range. its okay at everything but it doesnt excel in anything, and I think thats where it falters. I increasingly see more and more people using it, and they're not just skilled players, but people just starting out! I realize that some very skilled players can adapt to it and use it well, I've faced people who have been able to, but the Marksman is not noob friendly and they're constantly getting slaughtered because they're no good with it. Heres the bottom line for me: if you want a sniping weapon, dont pick the Marksman. Headshots dont kill with it. The Fareye is much much better. You want a medium range weapon, pick the carbine. The explosive secondary fire can get 5 or more kills, if your lucky. Why you would pick the Marksman at close range i dont know. Also, another little annoyance to watch out for online. PEOPLE WITH WRAITHS. If anyone reading this uses a wraith, firstly, don't, you look like a stupid noob and EVERYONE HATES YOU! Second, leave right now, and dont come back or I'll beat you mercilessly until you swear you'll never even look at the wraith OPTION anymore. Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. I may blog some more, feel free to add me on PSN, my GT is Runningham42. Message me saying you read this so I know who you are. Hope to see you online! (unless you use a wraith, in which case go play COD 4 you noob)
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