Look, I get that these guys probably mainly play on the pc... If not, I just totally don't get it. I mean, you guys are gamers, right? Or is it that you are journalists/filmmakers who play games (ie. when we knew we were going to be interviewing for this job we went to a gamer friend we knew and asked them all sorts of questions, did a lot of searching on the internet and still didn't know what the hell Twitch was until three weeks into the job.)
Because, I'm a gamer....but not even a really serious one. I have both consoles. I've played dozens of games on each of them. Enough games that it would total thousands of dollars.
A game system that came close either the PS5 or XBox X would cost hundreds of dollars more...and wouldn't be optimized. Yet you all seem to scoff at the idea of paying what is essentially the exact same price ($500) for a vastly superior system SEVEN YEARS LATER.
Incredible. Ridiculous. Did you guys just move out of your parents place and all these things called "bills" are getting you down or something?
And by the way, Tony, your 'formula'? Lame. So when you go looking to buy something, the only way you'll buy it is if you think you will spend AT LEAST as much money as you paid for it? Hilarity.
"Sorry, there's no way I can buy this Tesla." -- Tony
"Why is that?" -- Tesla Dealer
"Because I'd have to own it like...60 years before I spent $47000 on it."
"I'm sorry...what?!" -- Tesla Dealer
"Sorry man, it's a deal breaker. Looks like I'll be buying a BMW or Mercedes."
I appreciate the idea of this article. I just wish it was more substantive and balanced. While I do recognize that most reporting nowadays is very similar to this, that doesn't mean we all shouldn't expect better.
Simply put, this is an editorial piece masking as fact-based (albeit one-sides) reporting.
Way to go, Mr. Cam Robinson! An apologist's view of violent video games on a gaming website.
Please, this is a far cry from being an unbiased report. Why not get an opposing viewpoint so that we can see both sides of the issue? It's a real issue, you know?
Are we seriously supposed to take one researcher's word for it? That's not science. It's opinion. In face, Dr. Mark Coulson, though well spoken, doesn't give any actual basis for what he's talking about.
It's a puff piece to show violence in gaming. To promulgate violence in gaming. To justify violence in gaming.
This will be the last time I view anything like this on gamespot.
seefilms' comments