omg!! the 3DS!! w00000t;)
sek51's forum posts
Zelda takes the longest time to complete and is a really good game with all the hidden secrets and the bow and arrow shooting on a pole is amazing
Luigi was awesome to play in Luigi's Manson like when you push te A button he shouts out "Maaaariooooo" or "Mario?" wen you see Mario Mario says plain "Luigi" so because of that I like Luigi more
I actually enjoyed playing it but the storyline is so bad like lin the end he breakes his katana "the magicaly forged katana whitch wields immense powers"
Zelda of course but I don't think I am going to buy kingdom hearts.... Oh and Kid Icarus or something like that lol I forgot how to spell it=)
I hope I get Mario Kart 3D with the 3DS. Omg Zelda is going to be awesome!
Star Fox 64 and zelda in 3d I personally would love to have them.
personally I like Chikorita the best. But the sound they all make is annoying if you check your pokedex
Pokemon sometimes bores me. Just pressing the A button all the time in a fight.....
Zelda is a better game to buy it keeps you playing and discovering all sorts of new places. Seeking gems for power-ups is hard but I recently found all of them without cheats or a walkthrough !8) I like the items and puzzling out in what ways you can use them.
in short: Zelda is a better game than Pokemon.
ps: you can also wait for the new Zelda game witch come out 7 December
it is still a good game like all Mario games!
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