E3 will suck unless there are booth babes. Reason is because of "hardcore" gamers wanting more of the same shix. Let me explain shix monkeys: God of War "III" = exactly the same old shiite Assassins Creeed "2" = same shix new location Modern Warfare "2" = worse shix that Modern Warfare "1" How the hell is it possible that gamers can buy the same shix game when they full well know the game company could have released a new campaign that is bloxdy shix if you ask me and well all know it is "COD 6" get your gamer points ready to buy more shix map packs in a years time shix for brains Bioshix "2" the second of "9" shix games people - "9" you shix heads will have to fork out 9 times the same amount for the same shix game! And tell me how it is different to system shix. forking shix I tell ya Battlefield "1943" = OMG more first person shix that is not as good as call of shix. Shixield 69 can rot in hell! Colin Mcrae dirt "2" = same old shix as Colin Mcrae Shix "1" but twice the shix! Mass Effect "2" = huge big shix coming out your eyes, ears, nose and mouth then exploding out your huge fat asx! FF"XIII" = holy mother of shix! More shix you can shake a stick at! It took a year longer to get this shix ready! Better pray your shix 360 doesn't get the red rings of shix or you won't have a shix chance of hell playing this same old Japanese cookie cutter excuse for role playing shix! These are all sequels shix heads and I hardly listed any games. Save your money. Rent a porno. Better yet, wait for your old lady to take a shix and open the door and take a deap breath. It will smell and look A LOT better than 10,000 shix smelling geeks crammed into nerd central drooling over shix sequels with no booth babes crying over not being able to get into some shix booth to play some half shix demo that some fat shix with sticky smelly shix fat fingers has just played after taking a foul fat slimey shix and pickling crusty nose after tossing to FFIII poster in filthy toilet geeks have shix all over and not washing hands or flushing toilet! That is you. I will stick to my porno thank you very much. If you had two cents for a brain you wouldn't give a shix what system you own, but instead what games are being made...If you are going to E3 start a revolution! Throw away your shix t-shirt and show your manboobs! Free them in demonstration at companies like Akkktivision buying out smaller studios and remaking the same old shix At least when they lock you up you can say you saw some boobies at E3.
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