Brucas Lovers Society First Annual Party!
In honor of the Brucas Lovers Society 10,000 post Tara and a few of other members including myself have decided to throw a party! Yes you heard correctly we are throwing a party! It's not only for us Brucasers, it's for anyone else who is interested and feels like dropping in to say hi and congratulate us. I mean why not come! You have Tara and her quirky comments, Jaimie and her hilarity, Me with my great comments, and all the other members who will make this something you wont want to miss!
Sellie12- Nicki/Laurie's Brookie Monster/Nic-A-La
Firetears- Ellis
NaleyForeverOTH- Ciara
lcusoccer22- Lauren
Ep301- Laurie
Huh920- Tara
Chosenchic- Dani
xxcrashintomexx- Katie
Cristy0010- Christy/ Christina
Pipolipa- Pipa
Shae83dtr- Shae/ Sinead
AngelicDisgrace- Stacey
iluvnathanhaley- Abby
Funfuzgirl- Laure/ Laurie/ Nicki's Stalker Magnet/Ciara's twin
Nikkinik7- Nikki
Beenybaby- Renee
HCothlove1227- Maria
SecFruit_Brucas- Christine
MtvCutie21 - Jenn
xkLeverxkittyx- Jaimie
AnnPatricia- Ann
Above are the members of the Brucas Lovers Society. I dont think we could've gotten this far without any of them! So i think we should congratulate ourselves Brucasers!
Times & Other Info
Well we do not all live in the same time zone let alone country, so we are finding out everyone Brucas lovers time zone in order for all of us to be on at the same time. I think Tara said it will start 12:00 PT. Well anyways these are the planned times for eveything to start.
12:00 PM - Pacific Time/Mountain Time
2:00 PM - Central Time
3:00 PM Eastern Time
These are just times for the US. I do not know all of the members time zones so Tara if you're reading this please PM me with them. Below is just some basic info about where the party will be but it should be a little obvious. But for those who dont know where to locate our thread i'll tell you.
Boards: One Tree Hill
Thread: Brucas Lovers Society
When: 4/5/08
Click On Picture To Be Re-Directed To The Thread