sellie12 / Member

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Okay, I have an issue with the Jonas Brothers, and their fans! So, I was watching an old episode of Chelsea Lately (Awesome show), and she made one harmless segment that poked fun at them. Sure, she made fun of their hair, and pulled off one of their purity rings, and straddled one of them (Her Jo Bros' were actors). But still, she got the annoying wrath of their fans. Some said she was disrespectful, some said she could go die in a 'Whole' (yes, they spelled it wrong), and some sent her death threats. First, she's just doing her g**damn job! It's not like she's going to literally waste her time making fun of those pathetic "musicians". Her staff writes the jokes, she makes them come to life. So why on earth are there fans getting so uptight about it?! Why are you sending her hate mail? If anything it should be going to her staff and not her! They should remove the sticks from their a**es and realize that they're not worth freaking out over! The Jonas Brothers said that they have the best fans in the world. Really? So, with them being Christian and all, they support their fans sending hate mail out to someone who's just doing their job? Now, some might say that I'm contradicting myself, but I'm not. I don't dislike them because they're musicians, I dislike them because they are just plain annoying! They are more annoying than Maria Menonous' laugh! Ooh you have purity rings! Who cares? Not all of their fans are as die hard as most, but I can respecitvely say that their loony-tune fans go die in a hole! And, I spelled it write! The parody is below, and so is the video of her responding.