Last night's episode of OTH was really good. Nathan finally cut his hair which i couldn't wait for but for some weird reason i kept looking at his nose and thinking it was fat. I dont know why i thought that. The whole lucas telling peyton that the bartender wasnt good enough for her pissed me off. It was so stupid that he had to say that. Dont the writers get that, that storyline is like played out?
And now on the OTH boards every Leyton lover is freaking out and getting their spankies in a bunch which is getting annoying super fast. Also the look on Haley's face when she found Jamie's picture of him and carrie was like so funny. Her face was so priceless i couldnt quit laughing. The whole Mouth and his boss thing is also annoying.
Hmmm last night i was really craving taco bell and starbucks, but after a while my hunger went away. I feel asleep so early last night. I think i feel asleep like at 10 maybe a little later, i dont know why but i was so tired. I still am tired but i would rather talk to all of you than sleep :)
I also saw cloverfield with my friend Danielle....Let me tell you that effin movie was so damn scary. The monster thing just creeped me out. I closed my eyes a lot in that movie. Omg it freaked me out so much! The scariest part is when they are in the underground tunnel things and they hear something behind them. I jumped a lot, but i do want to see it again
I talked to my friend Stephanie on the phone today, she made me laugh so much which i really needed to do because i was kinda having a bad day. But she cheered me up. I miss all of my friends. No one is online, no one they all left me alone on here! :(
Well anyways thats all, Nicki