Queen bees was an awesome show! I watched both versions the one that aired on Nick and the one that aired on The-N and i enjoyed the-n's versionw ay better because they didn't edit anything out. But i just could not quit gasping at the things that would come out of these girls mouths. Like here is a friendly quote from the episode
Camille: I spreaded rumors about my friend having AIDS!
I mean seriously come on, first of all i wouldn't be talking with the disgusting tan lines she had on her back. And Brittany seriouslly couldn't quit name-dropping and i was estatic when Shavon told her to basically shut up! My favorite is Stassi and i am on Stassi's Posse, she is just Stassi. Kiana was annoying and i highly disliked the comment she made about the blind judge. Michelle was also another one who needs to shut up and realize how shallow she is. Gisbelle was okay but she needed to put more effort into the competition, but i hope Stassi wins. She didn't get a star even though she did win the pageant! Anyway i give the first episode an A.
Student Body was an okay show, it's just the kids were horrifingly big! They were so big i couldn't eat during that show. I felt so bad for them because they were so frustrated with being fat, but one of the contestants were mouthing off and it kinda pissed me off because she was like the biggest girl there and needed to lose the weight but she wasn't participating. But i might tune into the second episode if i can find a way to eat before it airs. B-.
The two new Degrassi episodes aired, First Broken Wings was such a horrible episode. Peter was trying to start a band which was the dumbest thing since Bust A Move. The episode was just bad the plots were so flat and so dull i don't feel like reviewing them so i give Broken Wings D. But the second episode Everything She Wants was good. It was probably the best episode since Darcy's rape storyline. I felt bad for Mia and Bella when the jackass dad didn't claim her as his daughter. I was like 'What an (bleep)'. But i did like it so i give ESW a B+.
Chelsea Handler Videos
Warning: Contains a lot of suggestive dialouge
Chapter 1: Personal
Initials: NEP
Middle name: Elizabeth
Birthday: October 5th
Birth Place: Anaheim, CA
Current location: Anaheim
Height: 5'7 - 5'8
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Brown
Piercings: Ears.
Birthmarks: Ankle, it's small though
Chapter 2: Family
Do you live with your parents: No
Do you get along with your parents? Yeah, most of the time.
Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Seperated
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
What are their names? Brother: Jason Sisters: Julie && Stephanie
What pets do you have? At home a Dog
What are there names? Jude
Chapter 3: Favorites
City: Paris
Season: Winter
clothing brand: A&F. Clothes from Forever 21
Color: Black and Pink
Number: 23,13,10,5
Chapter 4: Do You ...
Sing in the shower? haha Yes.
Write memos on your hand? Yep.
Call people back? Most of the time.
Believe in love? Of course.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yep.
Wear glasses or contacts? When i read i wear glasses.
Chapter 5: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping? Um no comment
Worn braces? No
Broken a bone? Yes, surfing accident
Had stitches? Yes, result of the accident
Punched someone in the face? Yes
Skipped school? In high school a few times
Taken painkillers? Yes.
Gone SCUBA diving? Too scary
Been stung by a bee? Nope.
Thrown up in a restaurant? No
Been to overnight camp? Yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus? Who hasn't?
Had detention? In high school
Been sent to the principal's office? Yes
Been called a b!tch? Yep.
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last..
Person to IM you? I haven't been on AIM in like a month so idk...
Person to call you? Someone
Person you hugged? No one
Person you tackled? IDK
Thing you touched? Myself...no im kidding my keyboard
Thing you ate? Chinese food
Drank? Water.
Thing you said? "Get the f*** out!"