sentan's forum posts
WoW immerse ? Maybe if you never played anything else , After 1 month you will endup being bored at lvl 70 and having nothing to do.What a waste of space, time, and brain cells, if you infact had/have any.
If you are in Walt Disney cartoonish characters and really want to pilot drive go with WoW.Yes SoE sux , but i never had reason to go to them in over 2 years of playing.
Plus you have option to get station access pass that enables you to play Vanguard at same time.VG despite all horrendous bugs is actually real game ,together with EQ2 , which i cannot say for WoW , unless my IQ is -250 lol
It took me 3 months and 4 characters to realize that there was nothing new to do in WoW for me after only month and half. Lvl 30 boss in EQ2 is harder then any boss in WoW at any level.Plus in WoW you get as a bonus roughly 1-2 million of farmers to compete with.
It took me 2 years to stop playing EQ2, since i finally runout of 2000+ available quests there, and all other things i was able to do there.EQ2 is slowing down now as well is WoW anyways , since 2 weeks after expansion all WoW players completed that "immerse"(thats killing me that actually someone even cay say that ) part and they are siting dead bored at 70.So they moved to VG, as i can see form childish yapping in region chat channels.
Hopefully Blizzard will make another expansion fast , and they will go away :)
WoW is only good if you are 15-18 y/o and believe in all hype that WoWspot(Gamespot) is creating.So my suggestion , if your system can take it go with Vanguard..
Life doesn't revolve around sex, but it is a part of life.dnuggs40That's all life boils down to, enhancing your species and making it grow to become the dominant ruler.
Love, friends, sex, and family make the world go round bud. Stay inside your shell if you want, but please, don't go around calling yourself "enlightened".dnuggs40Most people, if not all, who find 'love' end up unhappy or even dead, in different ways than others, and friends are fickle.
If you spend your life playing video games and avoiding other human beings (other then on internet forums) you are going to have a miserable existance. I really hope someday you realize this before it is too late. dnuggs40As opposed to spending your life looking for sex, or money, or power, or all, any way you live life you die, we all die the same, the way we live is up to you, not to those who 'decide' if you are living 'healthy' or not, what's good or bad for you, if you smoke or not, if you spend your whole life being healthy, and then you die, that's the worst way to live.
Coming from someone who has actually played both games (unlike, it seems, some of the other responders here) I would go with EQ2. It simply has more depth and more variety to it. There are more character classes to choose from. The quests, at least some of them, are better written and more varied than those in WoW. The crafting is better in EQ2 and the community is a lot better and more mature than what you typically find in WoW. WoW's community was a lot like being forced to socialize in a remedial middle school for sociopaths.You probably joined one of the worse servers of WoW, which there are many of those. You can't say one game has a better community then the other, they are both filled with the same kind of people, those who help, those who want help, and those who either refuse help or insult merely for asking a question. I've found a good 'community' on a WoW server, and you probably have on an EQ2 server, seeing as how you seem to play it, but even in those good ones, there are still many bad eggs, both games are essentially the same, caster or meat shield, healer or offensive, male of female, race who seems could 'actually' be that strong or one full of 'attractive' females and girly-men.
EQ2 is the better, meatier, and bigger game.
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