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Microsoft Why?

Well apparently it is possible to screw up your Xbox Live account information stuff so bad that you can never use it again. Also it is apparently impossible to get a reset password if you have put in a email that does not exist. I'm so freaking pissed at just everything right now!

The Games That Brought Me To Gaming.

Alright I'm bored still waiting for my Xbox 360 to come in the mail, so I decided to talk about the 6 games that I played as a child which made me a hardcore gamer...

-Descent 2-PC-Alright this was the first game that I can ever remember beating now this game was tough and scary (for its time) basically you were a ship (a cool ship) and your mission was to go into these mines within planets and asteroids and destroy a large core thing. Now to help you there was a ton of guns, powerups, secrets, and even your own little helper robot called the guidebot. Basically he would show you where to go which was a god send in such large and sometimes confusing environments. Anyway its still a great game that is a blast to play.

-Donkey Kong Country-SNES-First console game I ever played.

-Asteroids-PC-The most classic space shooter ever.

-Centipede-PC-One of the most classic games ever.

-Missle Command-PC-A great missle firing game.

-Battlezone-PC-Kinda boring and lame, but alright.

-Tempest-PC-Crazy hard and freaky (when I was like 6).

New Icon

Well I got bored after all these months (year?) of my old Metroid icon so I made this really cool one of Fierce Deity Link (Oni / God). Anyway I reserved Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl so I'm mainly waiting for those and yeah.......ITS TAKING FOREVER!!!

Thank You Birthday.

Alright I didn't get a single game but I did get 113 dollars which is enough for Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Metroid Collection

Well I'm still playing Metroid Prime 3 Corruption so not much to write about recently so yeah I have every Metroid Game Except Metroid 2 The Return Of Samus.

Wii FC Spree

Ok I'm adding everyone on my Friends List (Gamespot / Gamefaqs) that has a Wii to my Wii's Friend List.

Bored........... :|

Well nothing much is happening now, as everyone can see I did get my Wii number up and stuff, and I also managed to get the chance to test out the Virtual Console, and I'd have to say I like it. It's pretty slick so far, also the games I got for it are (in order of 1st to last [also has my impressions of that game in parentheses after it]). Ristar (pretty cool), Kid Icarus (INSANELY HARD, Practically EVIL!!!), Super Mario Bros (still rox), The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time (still pretty fun, except for the water temple that part is still satanically evil!), Gunstar Heroes (Wow, that's all I can say about it), Starfox 64 (still crazy awesome)! Also regarding my Wii number my Wii is only near my computer sometimes so not very often as of yet, but eventually once my families house is finished (almost there) then it will be near one all the time.

Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok if you like Halo or Metroid (and honestly why wouldn't you) check out this video...


Trust me it is awesome. 

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