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The Games That Brought Me To Gaming.

Alright I'm bored still waiting for my Xbox 360 to come in the mail, so I decided to talk about the 6 games that I played as a child which made me a hardcore gamer...

-Descent 2-PC-Alright this was the first game that I can ever remember beating now this game was tough and scary (for its time) basically you were a ship (a cool ship) and your mission was to go into these mines within planets and asteroids and destroy a large core thing. Now to help you there was a ton of guns, powerups, secrets, and even your own little helper robot called the guidebot. Basically he would show you where to go which was a god send in such large and sometimes confusing environments. Anyway its still a great game that is a blast to play.

-Donkey Kong Country-SNES-First console game I ever played.

-Asteroids-PC-The most classic space shooter ever.

-Centipede-PC-One of the most classic games ever.

-Missle Command-PC-A great missle firing game.

-Battlezone-PC-Kinda boring and lame, but alright.

-Tempest-PC-Crazy hard and freaky (when I was like 6).