I think people just need to to chill I swear everything makes people uncomfortable these days. All there showing is there stomach and I assume they agreed to this job and weren't forced so what's the big deal. So sick of thing being overes sensored. Like why the hell is this the story that pops up on my news feed about GDC week like I give a crap about an after party I want to hear about the games.
@ tachsniper the newer star wars movies killed the vader a I feared and respected I must say, you gotta cut sephitroth a lil slack jenova cells make him one step away from a doll
Well they should care about the people who buy there games rants, personally the biggest upset for my were the party interactions whats the point of having romances if you dont actually get to romance and speak with ur hunny when you want. Beside that mostly just the re used maps were the big thing. As for going and playing baulder's gate again someone should revamp it for the 320 and add acheivements. Over all it wasn't too bad of a game. I am still playing through it.
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