For my World Mythology class, I'm supposed to pick a videogame that features some mythological themes. To mention a few:
1-The Hero's Journey [Legend of Zelda]
2-Helpers [Ezlo from Zelda Minish Cap or any other second character that helps the main hero]
3-Obstacles [Well many games]
Unfortunately, the project is divided into teams... That was really bad, because my team is made up of three Halo fanboys and I haven't even played any Halo! I wanted to pick Phoenix Wright....:( Oh well, I'll have to compromise. But wouldn't you like to get these assignments? Only at DigiPen Institute of Technology. Located in Redmond, WA, right next to Nintendo of America, DigiPen is acknowledged as the top school for videogame design and programming. Um...I sound like an advertiser, so I'll stop now.