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No Brawl online rankings? No problem!

So, as you likely now, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is less than a month away, and although the anticipated title features online play, there is no record keeping whatsoever.

A bad design choise? Perhaps; personally I would've kept some form of rankings. Anywho, the point of this blog post; I'll be keeping my personal records! I'll have a small notepad and pen next to me whenever I play online Brawl (free-for-all or in teams), and I will honestly and accurately measure how many 4th's, 3rd's, 2nd's and 1st places I get, and I will post them here periodically. It's a neat thing to do and won't take much time; just a quick dash of ink on a certain section should do it, and then I'm off for more Brawlin' :)

Are you planning on doing something similar to keep your stats?