Over the past few months my wife and I have since moved out to the country on a small hobby farm. While we love it the only way to get internet is by satilite via Wild Blue. The slow DL speeds put me off of even getting on the computer most the time as it just takes to long (which explain my absence on GS). In short my online PC gaming career has ended for awhile anyway. I have tried COD4, WAW, WOW, Guild Wars with not luck; our lantency is way to high. I have been tempted to try gaming over a G3 netowork to see if it is any better but I'm not holding my breath. Has anyone had any luck gaming over a satilite connection of G3?
In the mean time I have suddenly become a avid wii fan and must admit am enjoying it. I will say that I am the type of person who will rewearch a game and only buy it if it seems interesting or gets great reviews. So far in the past few months I have played Madworld, Ghostbusters, Punchout, Zelda and am hoping to get Tiger Woods soon. I have yet to test the wifi connection with the wii to see if I can go online with better sucess.
I wish there were better ways of playing online but to my knowlege there is not (yet). I can only hope that one day in the near future we will get BB or cable out to our farm until then it looks like it's single player PC or wii games for the future.
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