First of all, I hate Mobile Phones, Blackbarries, etc... everything people carry around in public, shout into, or that beeps everywhere I am. That said, I never approved the Idea of people playing electronic games in public either, because - technically - it is the same thing, and in my rigorousness I could not make an exception.
That said, I recently got to play some GameBoyAdvanced Games - and I was pretty impressed. There are Emulators available for all kinds of Mobile Devices on the PC and I started to check the code for those little gems. I was impressed and reminded of the "old days", where people, like me, ran to the store to buy the pc-magazine, only to get to the code-lists and to type them into the cube, before we could compile the code and finally start playing. Size ment everything. And we were amazed how much "stuff" could be expressed by few lines of code. Todays PC-Games are huge, several hundert-thousand lines of code. The average game today exceeds the two Gig-Range. Of course a lot of it are textures and thanks to programmable Shaders, the actual size of the next-gen games could drop down a bit, because now, the gpu can calculate "on-the-fly" what you otherwise would have stored as a texture map. So, seeing games for the GBA that are around 5MB, which still is big, but not that big overall, wakes "the dragon" in me, and wants me to develop my own games for the GBA/NDS/PSP, rather than for the big systems.