i found this on photobucket:
sexychocolate42 Blog
New Website
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
I just mqde a site at freewebs.com
here's the link i didn't build it that much but here:
What The ****!!!
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
why the hell does my tagger flirt emblem keep going away?!
Hooray for Road Runner!!
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
man i justĀ got road runner for my computer and its so freakin fast i mean god!!
my computer
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
man! my computer is so f***ing slow itll go somwhere then screw up when im doing something!
my dreams
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
last night I had a dream that a kid that really pisses me off was pissin me off and i punched him in the nose. he started bleeding and then blew up.its like he blew up and water came out, not blood.
YAY! another shopping cart!
by sexychocolate42 on Comments
today, me tacoman and CIC went to strong vincent and found another shopping cart. we rolled it down the hills and the stairs about 5 times then stopped cuz we were tired. anyone who wants to post on this blog feel free to.
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