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I Need Your Help Guys

Ok, so as you all now I got a new laptop for christmas. I don't know if I told you guys this, but I also got Final Cut Express 4.0 along with the computer and I've been wanting to make a video for a while.

I was wondering if you guys knew where I could find clips so that I can use them to make a movie of my own. I should be able to use any file that can be played in a quick time some are: mpeg2, mpeg4, etc. So i any of you know where I can get clips from a safe site then please let me know.

I'm planing on doing it on Kingdom Hearts and so far I only have 2 clips but I don't think that it's enough to make a decent movie. (3 or 4 minutes long) and I don't really want to use the same ones over and over again. The clips don'tnecessarilyneed to be of KH but just as long as I can use them since I might try to do other videos of other things. Thanks any help will beappreciated.:D