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seymour797 Blog

The TUGP member list

Thought I post the member list here.

1) 00GameMaster00

2) seymour795 (now seymour797)

3) 2pacalyps3

4) Grove4Drugs (now _Grove4Drugs_)

5) sythdrummer90

6) Lord_of_muspell

7) Katana99 (now __Katana99__)

8 ) DaGottofamlay (now Rex_Gotto)

9) tomlanking

10) dawhiterapper (now blanco_rapper)

11) Ryan_Angelo

12) fenrir109

13) Lukas_Nighter

14) Ultima_Omega45

15) Alpha_Zealot

Comment me if I forgot you. This list has been writed with the original names followed with current names.

My signature

        GameFAQs signature

Sometimes it´s best to stay in the dark, kid.
(T)-+=+-(U)-+=+-(G)-+=+-(P) / OMG DISK READ ERROR!

          GameSpot signature

I´m trying to make world better place by being member of (T)-+=+-(U)-+=+-(G)-+=+-(P) along with 00GameMaster00, 2pacalyps3, tomlanking, Lord_of_Muspell, sythdrummer90, Rex_Gotto, Katana99, Grove4Drugs, dawhiterapper, Ryan_Angelo, fenrir109, Lukas_Nighter and Ultima_Omega45.

Also member of ~*A.R.S.E*~ and FLoFTFROG Inc. member.

   00GameMaster00´s hilarious story

[The rest of this email has been removed for one or more ToS violations]

BigShotDonkey (Age 10 and slightly perverted) > Its teh big foots cave!

UNA_Rismor (Age 45 with the mental age of a 4 year-old) > doesz life have an exit button i dont know about? lol

                                 The end.

I am really tired today

Can you believe me, I NEEDED TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!! And it´s saturday! I´m highly annoyed about it!!! It wasn´t a special day! Just a regular 6 hour day!!!! And I needed to go to school at  8A.M.!! I´m really tired about this! Ah well now I get to GS everything is fine..... or not. I´m really tired, because I needed to walk 5 km to school and back and last night rained about 15 cm of snow! And my bag weight about 3 kg, at least it felt about it. Thank god I have some friends to come over and some friends here at GF/GS. Now I´m going to rest. See ya!

It is not my fault if you die when you are reading this!

AND I HAVE NOTHING TO PLAY!!!! If you know a good game to play LET ME KNOW IMMIDIETLY!!! Today I am in really mad mood! Already cleared: FF 7, FF 10, Kingdom hearts, GTA: San Andreas 100 %, Ratchet & Clank 1, 2 and 3, Jak 1, 2, 3 and X.  Sometime I will post few pictures here.