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10,000 Posts!!!!!!!!!

Byakuya10000.jpg picture by razorchaos578

Just what Byakuya said in that pic. This fight is over. I have finally reach my goal. 10,000 POSTS!!!!! I want to thank everyone in each and every pass and present union. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I can finally stop being active. Wait, what am I saying. Forget what I said there.

Super Bowl Night. Wow. I made my 10,000 posts on this day. This should be mark in everyones calendar. All I have to say is, GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!

I don't like this. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. What went wrong here? Two 3rd Party characters. No Krystal. I like the game but one and some more characters from the 3rd Party system was not added. Well, I have to get over with it and just get the game because it's awesome and WOLF! That was one of the characters I want on SSBB. The others was Krystal, Cloud (FF VII), and Vincent Valentine (FF VII).

Well, that's all for this blog. Here's a video.
