Ok. I go in this order. Gameplay, Music, Story, Graphics, and The Negatives.
Gamplay is very nice. Slashing through your enemies like a madman. Simple controls. Blade Mode is when you if you are mad, you go crazy on that enemy. Like me.
Yes. There were moments in the game where I just want to pull a Kubo troll. Stealth in the game is somewhat 50/50 if you do it smart. Some of the gameplay felt....repetitive. Reminds me of DMC series except Dante and Vergil can heal using a special technique AKA demon form.
Music was excellent for a game for Raiden. Snake is the old school music lover while Raiden the extremist. :lol: They did a good job with that. I give them that.
Story is after, I think, MGS4. Ok. Hmmmm Patriots were mention and all. But mention of Snake or Octcon. There's new characters. Kevin, Courtney, Boris, and the Doc. Oh yeah. George. Plus the wolf which was my favorite character. I wish he was playable but later in the blog. You see why I don't care anymore. Story was somewhat hmmm I really didn't care for it. It wasn't up there with the other MGS games.
Graphics are excellent. Very good with the details. :P
Now the negatives.
*flips table over*
What in the world! I didn't care if the game was short but good gosh. This game went from oh my to oh my goodness I want to trade this game in [spoiler] for Black Ops 2 [/spoiler] This game was turn off for me after 2nd boss fight. I didn't have a problem with Mistral or Sundown. I had a problem with Monsoon, Sam, and the Senator. When I got to the slashing blade moments, I WENT NUTS! I mean I didn't release my controlling even though it stop. IF somebody had a debate between DMC vs MGR. I would say neither. I just beat the game today. I learn something last night watching a video of somebody fighting against the Senator. Boy. Ever since then, I was like. THAT WORKS!? Heck, I could been done with the game Friday last night. If you know what I'm talking about, then you guess right. Dodging the huge crap he throws to you. You have to run at the right time so you won't get damage. Plus I did another loop hole. I went to normal to gather up some items on chapter 1 and 2. Make sure I save them up until the boss fight for Chapter 7 on Hard mode. My gosh. Thank goodness it's over. The minions were annoying.I really wanted to do this.
With one hit. And move on.
And so. I compare the difference between Normal and Hard. There's no difference. So I thought this game deserve a 8.0 at first but no. 7.5 in my books. Don't see how GS gave this game a 8.5 and RE6 a 4.5. Makes no sense. VR Missions not going cheer me up than RE6 Versus mode. Believe me when I say this. Now if you had MG02.5 on there. I would give this game a 8.5. BUt no. For those who question to get this game. I rather you rent it. Beat it, and turn that son of gun back in. I wait for Ground Zero. As for me, I'm trading this game in for Black Ops 2. Yes. Blacks Ops 2. Since MGO is absent. I need something. Plus somebody got me into this. Once I saw that video on youtube and the way she play Black Ops. I was hook. As for next week. Tomb Raider and in mid April. Bioshock Infinite.