3 own a PS3 one has a 360 and the other three don't have consoles.Only one of them goes online. And I hate playing with him because he lags the game.
If you don't like it don't play the modes it is on. So don't play Headquaters, Team Tactical or Free for all. There the only modes that have it.
Why do you Care?It does the same thing and looks good the way it is now. And the only big difference will beWeight if A slim version does come out and I don't move my pS3 that much and it isn't to heavy as it is now but it is the heaviest of all consoles out now.
Mine: SG90.Comes from the First inital of my first name S and last name G and the 90 is the year I was born.I know its not to creative. Like the guy's I play with for instance.One of my Friends is Called Duke. So another called them self Can_Shoot_Duke.And Then there is "Connecting" A guy who wanted to annoy hosts in Rainbow 6 Vegas.
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