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My Two Cents: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot part 1.

There was some news of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reboot and it will be live action which is good news though the bad news is the fact Michael Bay is producing, don't get me wrong he's not a bad guy it's just I don't want him to frak it up. And there have been a lot of opinions on what people want from the franchise one of them from James Roffe (The Angry Video Game nerd and head of Cinemasacure) and his friend Mike (video game critic from "Screwattack"), and I agree with most of the opinions. As a fan of the franchise myself I thought about putting in some of my two cents.

1.Practical Effects: I want the turtles and even the mutant enimies to be in make up and costumes like in the past movies (1 and 2 to be exact). I don't want them to be all CGI cause that would be cheating, I really want to see real martial artists in the costumes fight. But want to see good versions of Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, the mousers, you name it. On a side note I have see a photo of the new look of the turtles so I'm impressed I just hope I can say the same for the rest.

2. Casting: Definately a must I actually have a choice of people in mind.

Summer Glau (Firefly): April O Neil.

Ken Wantaboe (Inception, The Last Samurai): voice of Splinter.

Jensen Akilies (Supernatural): Casy Jones.

Andy Shirkis (King Kong, Lord of the Rings): voice of Krang.

Brad Duriff (voice of Chucky from "Child's Play", Death Machine): Baxter Stockman, even the voice when turned to a fly in 80's cartoon or robot in graphic comic book series.

Michael Clarke Duncan: voice of Bebop

Nathan Filion: voice of Rocksteady

Cory Feldman: voice of Donatello or may'be just a cameo.

Will Freadie (Batman Beyond) or Johnny Lee Bloch (Trigun): voice of Leonardo

(more casting choices on part two)

That's all for now stay tuned for part 2 but if you have coments now feel free to post.