shabulia / Member

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Gamespot's kind of making me not so happy at the moment.

I just recently took a look at my emblems and everything and I noticed that my votes for 2004, 2005, and 2007 are there. However, I have also voted for 2006 and 2008 and there are no emblems. Why not? Where are they? I hate to be picky but if I voted, don't you think I should have the emblems that state that I have done so? I mean, someone who is looking me up might think I'm some sort of slacker or something. NOT THE CASE! I vote because I believe very much in supporting gaming and I think voting shows that support. I just don't understand what's the dealio. Kind of pissing me off at the moment.

Anyone else notice anything similar? Has Gamespot been neglagent with any of you? Do tell....