shadow406's forum posts
virtual reality. nintendo tried to do it in the 80's but it really sucked when they made virtual mario tennis. but now with 21st century technology, it is very possible. and also there is this new program called sky..something that uses brain signals that can make you lift up boxes in a videogame using your mind and you have to concentrate (this isn't some super power...its just a videogame) its a work in progress but it could be the new style of gaming. and you can believe me, i'm not lying, i'm just not that low to make up stories. i think i saw the sky something program on gametrailers, but i don't remember, it was a while ago.Jayesler12
the ultimate video game system for the physically unfit lol
mario kart 64 for sure the longest cause of multiplayer goodness. not sure what the shortest one would be though.
i rented it for gamecube, beat it, and never played another version of it again.
im not a big fan of the friend codes at all. when i used to play halo 2 online on my xbox is was so quick and easy to jump into a game really quick without any hassle. and the only time i used my mic is when i played with friends, and even that was easy because i just had to add their gamertag instead of a long digit numerical code. but i still love my wii regardless
meh,wake me up when they announce if it has online or not.lazzordude
i've got five wii games :
wii sports
mario party
and i got 8 vc games
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