Over the time I have spent at GS i have learnt many things about the way this site is run. i have also seen and obserrved things that i thought need to be discussed ( not like it matters if i write it here anyway)
As we all know, there is this little thing called the "leader board". i myself dont really care about rankings but I hate it how everyone looks up to those people. Dont get me wrong, some off them are great people and they are my friends but people seem to treat them speacial. Ok.....for example. When people read reader reviews, they normally just trust anyone they know. No matter how sucky the review is they want to help their friend out by giving them another trust. When users see people like Kingfrizzy etc write a review, they ignore everyone else's and read his. Dont get me wrong. kingfrizzy is a great guy and all but common, the guy has like 500 trusted users. :? Im not saying that there anything wrong with that but you gotta think its becuase he's the leader of the leader board and also a mod. Also, people practically beg thier friends just to trust them (i may have been guilty once :P) because they want these fancy new reviewer badges. Write good reviews and people will notice you. i myself only have 20 truts but atleast the people accually liked them :roll:
Another thing is that when people see mods they bow down like slaves and act all strange and suck up to them. :? when i see a mod i could care less. i jugde a mod and thier work (reviews etc) as i do everyone elses not because they are 'special" forumites. And another thing. People ALWAYS send friend requests to people they think are "popular" because they want to have a "cool" friends list. :roll: one of my mod friends told me himself that he would seldom get a friend request until all of asudden when he became a mod and got loads because of his position. Come on now, is it so great to have mod "friends' that you send then loads of friend requests for the sake of getting and emblem or claiming you know lots of mods? They are just forumites that perform extra deeds around the forums not gods.
So all in all i think my main point is that people judge forumites by thier rankings. mods are treated as gods etc. And lets be honest, when reading reviews most people look at the featured reviewers list because they generally think those are better. Although i have 2 featured reviews, i think it is unfair to other forumites who get overlooked because of thier social standard. Well anyway. i just thought id get this off my chest even if it doesnt make any difference because i cant do anything about it.
Any Thoughts?
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