Oh yes. The past 2 years at school I have been working in each subject for one thing. A good grade at the end of it. And I finally have been told the grades.
Today I received my GCSE results. Over 3 months since my first one in fact as it was 3rd May I did my first GCSE exam (Drama)
So I already have GCSE Statistics: A* from last year and I have ECDL (IT qualification) Level 2 which is round about a B so what did I get today?
Maths: A*
Double Award Science: A*A*
BTEC Business Studies: Distinction (which is AA/A*A* Can't remember)
Spanish: A
Drama: A
English: A
English Literature: B
Art: B
So I'm quite chuffed:D I was expecting a B in both englishs so the A was a welcome surprise! I kinda hoped for an A* in Drama but A is good enough. So now I'm ready to go to College (the british kind) to do my A levels and hopefully do aswell in them too.
Today I only went out for a meal with my nan and cousin but tomorrow I am going to manchester for the day shopping then going to the all you can eat chinese, which should be awesome.
In other news I have moved house. Moved on the 22nd as planned and now have settled quite nicely. Though it took 3 weeks for the internet to reconnect! It was heart breaking.
I also had a lurvley time on my holiday and I got very burnt as it was quite hot and sunny! You can see pictures on my myspace page www.myspace.com/dreamyourlifeaway. I'm private but send me a request and message me about who you are on here and I'll accept happily.
What else? Oooo Idk. I'll just end it now while I'm all happy:)