Oh yes, I sceamed that in public today!
Why I hear you all call while giving me some very strange looks? Well I'll tell you, today our school had an inset day, therefore meaning it was monday and we didn't have to go in school. So what do 6 teenage girls do? They hike to the centre of the staffordishire countryside and visit... Alton Towers!
For the none brits (which there are a few of you) This is one of the UKs best theme parks. And it was dead today as it was a monday during school time. So here is entry describing my day:
Its 8:20am, myself and Emily should be at Ray's house however we're leaving her house armed with crumpets.
Eventually we leave the town and head to AT, on the way we sing along to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack (Which is still in my head)
Once arriving Emily practically runs towards Forbidden Valley, where the legendary Nemesis is kept. We went on this twice before 10am we are that hardcore. We then made a visit towards Air which was awesome as always, then I went on Ripsaw for the first time. Now dearest Emily did not want to go on this and as it is a stationary ride so she stood and watched us, now as we had bumped into some other Year 11s from school we took the backrow of ripsaw and just screamed I love you Emily from the top of Ripsaw, so if you hear any cursing about some annoying girls on Ripsaw, t'was us.
After this we went back on Air and Nemesis and decided to head to Kantaga Canyon. Here is located the Runaway Mine Train (closed due to a crash in july) and the Congo River Rapids.
We went on the River Rapids and Sue, Vicki and Me got very very wet. We went round on this twice cos it was so dead and sung elephant love melady the first time and waved at some boys.
We then headed to the flume! Which used to be a log flume but now is bath tubs as its sponsored by a soap company. Now only 5 people are allowed in these "Baths" at any one time, to the hell with that we got 6 in! Though it did cause scraping of the bath on the floor of the ride. Abi and Sue were in the front half and the rest of us were in the back which was silly but I couldnt get in the front cos Abi and Sue didn't squish enough. But once again we got very wet though for me it was just the bottom half of my jeans but it still wasn't nice and I had developed a curl to me earlier straight hair.
We then had lunch and had some spinball wizzer, then I went on Oblivion for the first time which was rather fun. Abi and Sue went on the spinny one i forgot the name of and then we went to Ug Land where we went on Corkscrew, Ug swingers and Rita Queen of speed (twice) now when on Rita both times something entertaining happened to moi. First time me and Sue were having a discussion about what were going to sing and then poof! we got shot off! This is the ride that goes from 0KMH to 100 in like 3 seconds. Well scary. Next time me and vicki are sitting there and then the 2 guys checking we were in safe were like did you fix this one? No, err girls you shouldn't be in there, oh do you want us to get out? nah, just good luck to you. Me and V were like pooing our pants. In the picture we are holding on to each other for dear life.
We then returned to Nemsis and Air for another go and then went on the blade! All very fun.
At this point i realised my picture in my keyring off the flume had fallen out of the keyholder so we decided to go back on the river rapids, then go to the flume, go on it again then complain and get another when we get off. This time on the flume we had 3 in the front and 3 in the back. I was wearing a rain poncho thing and i was soaked. In the 3 Abi got completly consumed by a wave of water and so did Sue.
We then had tea and returned to Nemesis for another final go, however there was a Q :o and it began to rain but we all fitted under 1 rain poncho and warmed up. After that with 10 mins to spare we ran in the rain for the final ride of spinball wizzer. Me, Abi, Sue and Em were in the last one of the day. V and Ray went on another ride.
After that there was dancing and hiking through fields till we got home.
The End:)
Oh yeah, my crotch got wet on the flume thats why the journal name is so.
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