shadowchilde's forum posts
Since I've gotten my PSP, I have played the FFI and then passed it on to my husband to play on the PSP that I bought him for Christmas and shipped over to Iraq for him. I'm presently working on FFII and I have Tactics: War of the Lions, but I think that one is a little more complicated to play. So... when I have the time to actually sit down and read and go through all the tutorials, I'll play it.
I'm certainly going to get the FFVII: Crisis Core when it comes out. I'm really enjoying the Final Fantasy game. However, it seems that there is a difference between the FFII that is released on PSP and the one that was originally released in the US. My husband continues to get me confused when we talk about the story plot. I kind of hope that they can make the FF that he is referring to for the PSP also.
Later all...
Between my husband and I (we are both recent converts to PSP) we have about 33 games. I got mine first and then I liked it so much that I bought him one for Christmas.
He likes most of the 1st person fighter games, while I like more of the RPG, fantasy hack and slash games. However, we are both hooked on Final Fantasy.
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