They'll probably do it this holiday season.Flame_Blade88
I hope so, since I'm gonna buy it for this holiday season. I wanna play assassin's creed (the 1st real next-gen game) and I need a console for that, so I'm gonna buy the ps3 soon, lol.
But it's SURE that sony do NOT want to talk about it since it would only tell us: WAIT before buying, do NOT buy now, lol. Anyway, I'm gonna have my ps3 for the holidays WITH or WITHOUT the price cut. Still, I suppose they'll cut the price because the holiday is a BIG sales market. And finally, I don't see why hey would wait and pass the holiday for their price cut, it would mean: we got our ass kicked in the last holidays so we need to sell more NOW!. Instead, if they get their price dropped in the holidays, this would say: we're competitive and we will win the war! Mouhahah! (maybe not exactly this, lol).
Anyway, sony would do a great move if they price cut their PS3 for the holidays, this would combine a good cost with a lot of good games like assassin's creed, last remnant, etc.and exclusives like uncharted and folklore for new games, and heavenly sword and more for used "almost new" exclusives.
Anyway, I hope they will cut the price AND put a dual shock 3 in the box for us! that would be GREAT. But still, with only a price cut, I would be happy anyway (with the spare money, I'll buy the dual shock 3when MGS4 pop I suppose :D )
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