Nintendo should hold on tight, like they should have done with Rare.
ShadowDoubt's forum posts
Can't we just agree that the final fantasy series has been great as a whole? I just want to hug them all, except everything past X. I might hug 14 if it makes the first move... maybe.
The more emotions they touch the better, at least for story games. I agree with FFX, the awkward laugh scene made that couple! xD
If he's in the game, I would happily enjoy playing as Pikachu beating the crap out of him
I expect triple screen.
The 3DS U, it will come packaged with a 3rd tablet like device, smaller than the Wii U tablet, that functions as another controller so that two people can play games on 1 3DS U.
All i want is for them to make a normal handheld for once.. please just once ever Nintendo i want you to make a normal handheld and that means no two screens sh*t, no 3D sh*t, fast software and good UI, big normal sized screen ( same size as the Vita's would be perfect ) screen, internal mic, internal HDD, a good friends list without the friends code sh*t.
please Nintendo start making good hardware! invest just a little more!
I totally agree; a new age gameboy would be amazing.
PC definitely comes first; have you seen all of these steam sales ^_^
One of my favorite genres of game is simulation, which are seriously lacking on consoles, but thriving thanks to indie developers on PC.
My Vita gets a bit of love most days too, mainly playing old Final Fantasy games, but that isn't a problem. xD
Vita did well last holiday season as well but it couldnt hold the momentum, PS4 remote play may help some but it really needs Monster Hunter and Final Fantasy. (Vita's Monster Hunter, The engine is incomplete but it looks like it'll be one of the few great Vita games)
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