@ZiggyStardust16: It's based on the 9 circles of hell and I think it did quite a good job at recreating a grotesque place I'm kind of dissapointed how under appreciated this game has gotten even if it was God of War rip off just the creative imagery alone was something to see. But anyway Gluttony has disgusting fat creatures that spew vomit on you, lust has you fight against a giant woman with creatures coming out of her breasts, Violence I think takes place on a giant demon well those were the stand outs that I remember even though I ain't played it in like 4 years. It's pretty appropriate based on the circles except for the last 2 circles which were really terrible and pointless If i remember correctly.
shadowkiller11's forum posts
I wouldn't say lame but when you actually go to the bar and you see the regulars that are on there own and are weird and they make you uncomfortable then that's pretty lame. I only go out with friends though and I'd think going out alone would be quite boring but I'm more of a nightclub kind of guy rather a going to the local bar. I think it depends more on the person rather than the circumstances.
Just played it at 1am in the dark. Scariest thing I've ever experienced.
lol pussy
pfft name something scarier.
Not into horror games myself, but is it worse than those Amnesia and the other ones by Frictional Games?
I hear those are pretty scary.
Well we are comparing something that is only a teaser so it's not stretched out like Amnesia but the experience alone far outweighs anything by Outlast and Amnesia and so on. I've played quite alot of horror games and watched alot of horror movies without a flinch but the atmosphere in this alone is disturbing.
Just played it at 1am in the dark. Scariest thing I've ever experienced.
lol pussy
pfft name something scarier.
Wilfred: The first series was great and innovate but after that....meh
The Australian version is pretty funny though much darker than the US version.
Apparently a lot of people here think a good reviewer is a person who toes the party line, sticks with conventional ideals, and gives the AAA-budgeted, most-anticipated forum darling a 9.5 or 10/10. It's a shame I have to tell you this, but that's not what a good reviewer is. A good reviewer is not a person who tells you what you want to hear or gets caught up in the same hype and zeitgeist you got caught up in. A good reviewer is honest about his or her subjective experience and has the eloquence to accurately convey that experience. Tom or Carolyn didn't like a game you like as much as you did. Who cares? Be adult enough to understand that some people don't like what you like. Be adult enough to know that some people judge games on different criteria than you do. Be adult enough to know that some people hold different political ideals than you do. Learn to see another person's opinion on video games for what it is: another person's opinion on video games. These layoffs are a major loss to Gamespot, and it's a shame that talented individuals are out of a job. Here's hoping they find new employment soon.
Trouble is it wasn't about good critical analysis or detailed opinionated pieces, instead it was to stir up controversy and gain more traffic because really that's all they want, actually that's what anyone in the business wants but it doesn't make them good at the job. For example the second opinion reviews was just click bait material and if you read through the contents of it you can tell. I'm not even a big fan of Bioshock Infinite for example. I'm fine if he wanted to give it a low score but I and many people think he didn't justified it and of course most people just clicked on it and hated it because he was bashing a well received game.
Same with Carolyn who was just bad at explaining her points aswell as forcing a particular agenda that I didn't really give a crap about but apparently alot of people do. I'm not saying I'm glad they lost their jobs in my honest opinion I don't care it's just business (I'm sure they'll be employed soon anyway). But Gamespot is a terrible site for game journalism anyway I just stick around for the forums which also have gone to crap.
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