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shadowl1nk Blog

Leaving GS

Alright its been fun but im gonna have to leave here im just getting a little tired of here. I might come one time to time but im out.

Alright Later Everyone. :D

hmm i dont have much to say.


Fudge Yeah I found Tales of Symphonia

So i checked this other gamestop and im like woah woah wait a sec thats...TALES OF SYMPHONIA then the Zelda "get item" sound comes on then i take the game sadly there was no instuction book on it....but i take the game and got home with some burger king at the same time. So now in the TOS world i was just screwing around and kiling monsters at first the game was slightly pissing me off, and that was the first 2 hours but then it got a little fun when i actually got some decent weps and party members, Raine is funny i just like the fact that she gets all hyper at ancient stuff. Kratos is pretty awesome i kinda ruined the Background story of some characters, since i watched the TOs anime but im fine:D

P.S. the boss battle music is freaking awesome.


I Needz Tales of Symphonia.

I cant find this friggin game anywhere. so im here on the internet calling a few shops i ask them "hey how are ya do you have TOS" thier like No im sitting here like it just me or when i see a game but i dont really feel like buying it its there but when i do want it its not there anymore.

I started likeing it after i saw the TOS anime and i was like this looks freaking EPIC.

so thats about it.



"We need you too :D"


Oh wow..I beat pokemon for the first time..

Like the title says.

So i reached the elite four and whne i got there first i whooped my rival then started my terror on the elitle four i got as far to the fourth leader and im like dam cause that guys last pokemon destroyed me.

so then i tried again but switched my team around.






Mismagius -Dam he helped out big time-

SO it was pretty much the same thing but azelfs futre sight helped me screw some people over :3

then i got to the champion Cynthia i got a few hings to say about here she looks awesome and her music is awesome.

But her pokemon were okay but suprisingly i 1-hit KO'ed 3 of them except for roserade spiritomb and garchomp

Roserade took a beating when i used crobat and torterra pretty much did all the work with earthquake and wood hammer

then when it came to garchomp i just used palkia.

i dont really like to use legendaries all the time but i seriously just needed to beat the game.

Thats about it


Its a new ShadowL1nk!

so lately i havent been on GS but im back now i guess..

So for my DS there are few games i have in mind.

-Kirby Super star

-Megaman Starforce 2 -ZerkerXSaurian-

-and a few others i cant remember right now

So whats new on this Profile you ask?

Well i changed my icon to sonic with a Sword on his back i brightend up the sword with fireworks and i finally have a friggin banner and a little picture Rate all the pictures if you want.

Lately in Pokemon well i got back to the 8th gym leader (since my game file got F'ed up last time and i had to restart)

but i gotta say this pokemon team Destroys what i ahd last time. I switch up my team here and there with Heracross and a few others

-right now its-

~Torterra Lv. 50

~Mismagius Lv. 37

~Mothim Lv. 43

~Raichu Lv.46

(Im using this team now to beat the 8th leader)

Later when i hit the elite four im just gonna use a few legendaries to rush through them so i can finally beat this game and get sweeter pokemon Also this will be my first time beating pokemon(yeah o.o)


my pokemon D/p game got corrupted so now i had to restart the game its fine now but its kind of a blower how the game got screwed up but now i made a new file

with the same name but turtwig as a starter but still dammit...

thats it....


My Pokemon are......

So lately on Pokemon Pearl ive beaten all the gym leaders and my rival for the last time now im at the elite four and my pokemon are getting re-arranged i got a few pokemon that i like in GTS like Aipom(Japanesse version) and a turtwig that now a torterra

and i gotta level them up... like 10 levels each

Nowmy pokemon are

~Torterra LV.41(replaced my empoleon he was like a hole in my party, the party had less of a element combo)

~Weavile LV.37

~Aipom LV.46

~Staraptor LV.48

~Lucario LV.48

~Later~Gyrados maybe

oh yeah i finally got that bull crap legendary trio mesprit was really f%&%^^% hard to get...

Thats it guess...

~ShadowL1nk~"Boku wa...Boku dake shinjiru"

BTW. if you wanna play me or something my characters name is


FC: 2879 2368 9903

nao i have pokemon pearl {PART 3}

so like i got to the part in pokemon d/p when the main legendary pokemon of the game you got(me it was palkia) unleashes its ppower and stuff so i get to spear pillar and i see the 3 galactic leaders and im like oh cool i better not fight i do with my rival that came outta no where i gotta admit tho his pokemon were actually whooping ass i got mine pwned and im sitting here like wtf then palkia next how the hell can i beat this...

well my rival heals all my party and then i gotta fight the galactic leader cyrus(look at him he look so pimp withh his dead stare :D) but ummi fight him and like most of my party got punished then there like now you must face palkia im like wtf...apparently it was a water dragon pokemon and empoleon, pikachu and lucario were the last ones there and pika and lucario get KOed and so i used empoleon with weak damage against him and finally got him to half hp good thing was it was like 7:00 Pm the dusk ball worked in one shot and got him.

after you do all that later u gotta catch the legendary trio so i start to chace mispirit back and fourth for like 2 hours eventually i said ":F%^k this" and just left everytime i get into battle a ball wouldent work and i try to attack and it runs but i guess maybe that cause my pokemon are slightly under leveled since its lvl 50 or somethin

well thats it.


nao i have pokemon pearl {PART 2}

so right now i have my seventh badge and have mah lucario not really much im about to go to veil stone and raid the team galactic base but umm i need like 1 more pokemon to fill in the space for extra exp but anyone have any tips or something?

Pokemon party so far~

Empoleon Lv.43

Staraptor Lv.40

Pikachu Lv. 38

Lucario Lv. 33

Haunter Lv. 35

man i swear leveling up in this game is fast o.o

p.s. put up some friend codes if you wanna battle or something


nao i have pokemon pearl

so this is pokemon D/P huh....

its true nint4endo made that game really fuggin easy o.o imean dam i already have a empoleon and i got the game 2 days ago...o.o but umm still its a pretty fun game i like the music alot and the new selection of pokemon are nice :D i would do some wi-fi battles but the lame thing is i cant yet since my pokemon are lvl 37 ~ 1 and in wi-fi most people i would fight would have lvl 100's..

so far my team is...

Empoleon ~ Lv.37

Pikachu ~ Lv.30

Staravia ~ Lv. 32

Clafairy ~ lvl 26

and buneary Lv 16( i only have the little guy cause hes carrying a few HM's that are handy)

so yeah thats it for nao if its possible to trade over wi-fi some one tell meh or if they have any pokemon they dont need or somethin
