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Fudge Yeah I found Tales of Symphonia

So i checked this other gamestop and im like woah woah wait a sec thats...TALES OF SYMPHONIA then the Zelda "get item" sound comes on then i take the game sadly there was no instuction book on it....but i take the game and got home with some burger king at the same time. So now in the TOS world i was just screwing around and kiling monsters at first the game was slightly pissing me off, and that was the first 2 hours but then it got a little fun when i actually got some decent weps and party members, Raine is funny i just like the fact that she gets all hyper at ancient stuff. Kratos is pretty awesome i kinda ruined the Background story of some characters, since i watched the TOs anime but im fine:D

P.S. the boss battle music is freaking awesome.
