so lately i havent been on GS but im back now i guess..
So for my DS there are few games i have in mind.
-Kirby Super star
-Megaman Starforce 2 -ZerkerXSaurian-
-and a few others i cant remember right now
So whats new on this Profile you ask?
Well i changed my icon to sonic with a Sword on his back i brightend up the sword with fireworks and i finally have a friggin banner and a little picture Rate all the pictures if you want.
Lately in Pokemon well i got back to the 8th gym leader (since my game file got F'ed up last time and i had to restart)
but i gotta say this pokemon team Destroys what i ahd last time. I switch up my team here and there with Heracross and a few others
-right now its-
~Torterra Lv. 50
~Mismagius Lv. 37
~Mothim Lv. 43
~Raichu Lv.46
(Im using this team now to beat the 8th leader)
Later when i hit the elite four im just gonna use a few legendaries to rush through them so i can finally beat this game and get sweeter pokemon Also this will be my first time beating pokemon(yeah o.o)