everyone of you that is a fanboy for either the 360 or ps3 is a moron look at the facts hardware wise ps3 is way ahead of the 360 but producing games for it is very difficult. i have both systems and i love both of them i play halo, cod4 on my 360 and other than resistance i own no other ps3 game because there aren't any other ones worth buying but i use the ps3 as a blu ray player and i rent games for it and yes the quality on these ps3 pics are poor i have no blur problems like in these photos, but in the end it all comes down to effort put into the games you can't compare multi console games they are pointless the power of each system will only be shown in exclusive games for each console i.e gears of war 1 and soon to be 2, and mgs4 for ps3 and god of war 3. In the end if u still want argue about which is better the PC wins in power everytime
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