I find this quite pathetic, there is no physical withdrawl from playing videogames, i believe there could be some mental withdrawl but only for the weak minded. Yes video games is an excellent piece of entertainment and yes sometimes i have the urge to play one more game, but thats not an addiction thats just me enjoying the game i am playing. Smoking is a weak addiction but there is some withdrawl from that. Now a real addiction is something like herione, the physical withdrawl from this drug is almost like torture, the addict is in physical pain/mental pain and nothing but opiates will remove that pain in the short term. Imagine somebody standing up in court and saying "i stole that old womens hand bag because of my videogame addiction", it just sound's pathetic. While i do believe there is probably some form of addiction with videogame's i still think it's a minor form of addiction that is been blown out of propertion.
Really i never expected huge announcements from E3, the consoles are half way through there life cycle and history has really shown the majority if big things happen in the first 1-2 years of a console life cycle. The games that were shown were very impressive IMO, microsoft press was good IMO well the first half was, they showed gears/res evil/fallout/fable 2 in playable demos i was happy, interface looks fine IMO the other stuff though were not insteresting and since im not a fangirl and own all systems the ff13 announcement was no big deal. Nintendo's briefing was terrible. Sony's briefing was good several game announcements and all ps3 stuff was impressive, i would have liked to see more playable demos but it was fine, the MAG announcement was crap IMO, worst game title ever and all they showed was a CGI trailer which never impresses me.
Game runs fine on max settings for me, granted i only have a res of 1280x1024 because i use a 42" lg hdtv(i dont have a monitor) which can do 1920x1080 but for some reason i cannot get that for pc games. Windows visra ultimate 64 Q6600 quad core oc @ 3.0Ghz 2x sli bfg 8800gt's OC versions Seagate barracude 32mb/500gb Hiper type-r 630w PSW 7.1 creative sound card And so on. Game runs fine although i know what gamespot means about entering cities, using the fps meter from the game i notice framerates anyway from 60-90 at all times outside big cities then it tends to dip below 60fps, sometimes even to 30fps but never lower than that. Im fine with it, have not been playing it for nearly 2 weeks as metal gear came out. hope DX10 comes soon 4GB OCZ platinum DDR2
Im happy with my system at the moment, i can run every game out except crysis at a res of 1280x1024(i use a 42" LG hdtv for my pc and consoles i dont have a monitor, the tv does 1080i but cannot get 1920x1080 on the pc so 1280x1024 is the best i can get) i can run crysis on 90% max settings but i have to turn a few things down to get a decent frame rate. Windows vista ultimate 64 Q6600 quad core OC@ 3.0Ghz 2X BFG 8800GT's OC version 4GB OCZ platinum XTC DDR2 Gigabyte Nforce mother board(i forget the model number) Hiper r-type 630w PSW 5.1 creative sound card Also got some upgraded cooling devices all put into a coolermaster stacker 830 nvidia special edition. Im happy with that system for now, it was not long ago that i built it so i have no plans on upgrading anytime soon, well untill a game comes out i just have to play and my current system cannot handle it looking at least 90% at its best, crysis made me build a new system im a sucker for pretty graphics. Also its funny how some people can get crysis running at max no probs with a system thats basicly twice as weak as mine and i cannot have it running at max while maintaining a good frame rate, i can run crysis at max and it plays ok'ish but it stutters quite a bit during large fire fights thats why i need to tone down a few settings to high from very high.
The long installations and load times are a pain on PS3, mainly the installation times for me, when i get a new game id like to play it as soon as i get in from work not wait 30 mins for an install then another 10-30 mins for updates. But even if these drives were just £30-£60 those 4 secs quicker load times are not worth it especially since the drive increases the install time. Pretty worthless article it makes out like we have a solution to your minimal install/load times at a high price when there solution will actually add more time than save it, the extra mins installing is not worth it for the few secs you get.
It's quite obvious that the 360 has slightly better visuals looking at these comparisons, i own all systems but i dont own the same game twice for each system, but i have seen ass creed/bunout and cod4, and ass creed definitly looks better on 360, burnout looks a little better on PS3 and cod4 i couldnt real tell a difference just by playing it on ps3 but going off these shots id say agin 360 was better. But all in all its very marginal, IMO i think 360 does a few things better than ps3 like lighting and shadows and ps3 does a few things better than 360. which kind of make up for one another and make them equal, who really gives a s**t, they both look great only the fangirls care so they can go "na na na na my consoles better" pathetic, i prefer to own all consoles and play all the great games available, while fangilrs lose out on the great exclusives.
ntmathis Isn't this a difference of only 20 years? Wonder what it will be like in 20 more years... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The difference is very minimal when you compare something like GTA3 with GTA4 only seven years and the improvements to graphics/physics/gameplay/online are ten fold compared with nintendo's improvements over the years. Basicly in the last 5 years or so(i forget when double dash came out) theres only been a slight improvement to graphics and less gameplay features, well theres online but it barely works, and NO voicechat, come on nintendo even your ds games have voice chat. Improvements are quite poor IMO. but its clear after reading some comments people will blindly defend anything regardless of the pictorial facts.
Personally i think the game is terrible, slight improvement in graphics but less features than the previous gen version, IMO they have definitly went backwards. It pretty clear all nintendo games are made for the casual player first hardcore second(yes even the suposed hardcore games). Zelda: Motion control took away the skill it took to perform attacks with skilled button presses, now all you do is waggle your hand back and forward to fight, still no voice acting(its not 1990 nintendo) just stupid noises. ruined the zelda serious for me, dont get me wrong the game was still ok and i agree with GS score, but really what is different about this zelda than the ones before hand, very little(waggle is not innovation IMO). Mario strikers felt dumbed down, i never played paper mario as it never came out till late 07 in the u.k and by that time i had not turned on my wii in over six months. Mario galaxy, another great mario, but it was far too easy with only several tough levels that were optional, again simplified for the casual's. All the games nintendo have in development probably only need 6 months dev time, mario karts development probably just started at E3(they never had any gameplay to show off). I find it quite annoying that these games that cost equal to a ps3/360 game but cost significantly less money to make than a real next gen game, waggling your hand back and forth is not innovation and its boring. I like what nintendo has done for the buisness, but IMO it's clear nintendo have deserted there hardcore fanbase(what other "gamers" games are coming out this year for the wii, nintendo have probably just started development on a few new games they will be ready in three months) using old tech but charging new tech prices. I have a wii, i hardly ever play it infact since i bought it on launch day i have only bought 1 game(rented the rest, no replay value)and i bet i have never put in more than 30 hours in over 15 months. The Wii is not for the hardcore gamer, and anyone trying to say different is talking crazy, Nintendo wii is for soccer mom's who have never played a mario kart/zelda etc. when games like the carnival game sell loads of copies you know theres problems, you know people who have not got a clue about gaming are buying games like that, i have seen better graphics and physics in xbla/psn games than wii games, thats saying something when these games are no bigger than 150mb. If you look at the torrent sites and what not all wii games are less than a dvd-5 disc which proves theres been no forward movement from nintendo on the tech front, and when wii launched they said it was full of top end tech and graphics etc would improve as devs got used to it, yeah right. I really have nothing against nintendo im pleased there doing well but im finished with them after 20 years of nintendo gaming i just feel the wii has nothing to offer me compared to ps3/360 and pc, its really starting to show its age. Dont take offence nintendo fans its just my opinion, just imagine if the wii had of been as powerful as 360 or just a little less powerful with proper hd, mario would look amazing, and allot more possibilties would open up with bigger storage space and more powerful tech the levels in mario would have advanced in different ways instead they just turned them into a gimmick. And just think you may of had GTA4 now nintendo fans, if they can put manhunt on there system am sure they would of took the power house that is GTA, but the console's power stops fans from getting amazing gamer's games.
Anybody who say halo 3 looks the same as halo 1-2 are basicly blinded by fanboyism(and realistcly they have to be able to see the difference,they just do not want too). Halo 3 is a beautiful game large sweeping vista's with amazing colour, tree texture's that actually look very alike instead looking like they have been varnished. Halo 3 may not techinacly be top of the food chain but artisticly it is, and for one im pleased i like gears,bioshock,killzone etc etc etc graphics they are awesome but halo 3's style makes a frefreshing change.
To everybody who keeps saying "it doesnt matter" comparing the situation with the 360's BC, saying why would you buy a new console to play old games. It's not about that, the fact is we will have to pay $230 more than you americans for a weaker version of the ps3, I agree BC is not that big of a deal but i would like to be able to give my ps2 to my little nephew or something and just use my next gen consoles for everything. I just want the same hardware that the U.S and japan got. i notice it's all NTSC owners that are defending this move, yeah its ok for you, if it were the other way round you would be annoyed too. And to compare this with 360 BC is stupid, when i bought my 360 i got the same console as you did a week or two later, when i buy my ps3 the hardware will be different from yours. Sony are purely taking the **** crapping on their loyal fanbase again because they think they can. Well by the way things are going i think we are going to see the price dropped quicker over here as the ps3 is not doing to good, the fact pre-orders have been available for over two weeks and are still available for guarenteed launch day delivery is a bad sign, they may have more stock than 360 and wii did at launch but those sold out in mins, so over 336 hours have gone by without them selling out, how many times does ten mins go into 336 hours, their is no way on earth they have that amount of stock the fact is people are annoyed and i hope sony come last in th EU this generation just so they get their act together for the next gen. i will buy ps3 as i buy every console but that doesnt mean i have to be happy with what their doing im no sad loyal fanboy, but this generation i will buy all muli-plat games for 360 and ps3 will be for exclusives only, it was the complete opposite last generation i bought everything for ps2, but this gen im not going to put as much money into sonys console and i will be definitly waiting to buy one, it will be the first time i have never bought a sony console at launch and i bet their are plenty more people who feel the same. Sony have ****** up big time, they need to be taught a lesson.
shadystxxx's comments