This was aimed at a previous post by another gamer, who stated that if motion controls were the best then why doesn't the F-22 use a joystick and not waggle. I think the post got removed after I posted this reply.
First, this would only be relevant if every video game was about flying a fighter jet. Golfers don't use joysticks. Cars have steering wheels. Foot soldiers don't use joysticks to aim they're guns and bringing a control pad to a knife fight is stupider then bringing a knife to gunfight. Second, there are motion control systems in both military jet aircraft and gunships. They're used for targeting and they're in the helmets. Third, the whole point of the motion plus is it's a giant step away from waggle and towards true 1:1 motion. If you haven't tried it don't knock it. It's way better than the Wiimote with accelerometer alone which was admittedly not as great as it was made out to be. The M+ I feel is great. Besides, who wants to hit the Slash button, when you can actually do it for real. Motion control is the future of gaming. I remember back in the Early 90's. (whenever the first Starfox came out) I tried to convince my friends that polygons were going to be the future of video games. They were hardcore Street Fighter II/ Mortal Kombat players. They laughed at me and said that Polygons look like crap and will never take over. They were obviously wrong. I guarantee Motion Control will be one of the biggest changes in gaming in the very near future. When it finally starts to be implemented properly (as it is in Tiger Woods) the button mashing FPS games that dominate the "hardcore" market are going to become a thing of the past.
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