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shaggni444 Blog

Xbox 360 Rocks

Having had a chance to play my 360 for 3 days before it's release I would say it is a nice system.  But today I picked up Perfect Dark Zero.  Ohh man does this game rock.  Must have for the Xbox 360.  I rented Madden 2006 and it was very impressive as well.  I liked it more so than the xbox version.

Well back to playing games.  Talk to everyone later.

Xbox 360

I wasn't as excited for the launch of the xbox 360 until I found out I was one of the 9000+ winners in the every 10 minutes giveaway.

Now I feel like a small child waiting for Christmas all over again.

Anticipation is great as the date of the 360 launch draws near.

Only downside so far. The games I want to buy for initial launch aren't available yet.

Look back here for my impressions of the system when it finally gets delivered.