Zipper has said freezing can be caused by a memory leak in the game code. As of the last patch the issue has become worse. Seems to happen to people regardless of older or slim versions and model types. I hope they fix it soon because last time I played I had 3 out of 5 games lock up on me. For now I would just wait it out and hope they fix it soon. Go to the MAG site and post on the forums. They are collecting information trying to figure out what is causing it.
shaggni444's forum posts
can you tell me what are the difference about this two games??
Avenido I'll try to keep this short. I've posted about this before but ARMA 2 would be more of a simulation where as Operation Flashpoint would be closer to a traditional FPS that delves in to the realm of realism.
I like the small touches that ARMA 2 has. when crawling through the grass you can actually fold the grass down so it will not obscure your vision. You can shoot out tires on vehicles. The day to night cycles and weather cycles are very nice.
In Operation Flashpoint I've ran in to a group of enemies exposing myself to gunfire and killed 3 out of 4 before I was shot and killed. Would probably never happen in ARMA unless the AI was turned down. Usually you'll get shot and killed without ever seeing the person who shot you.
There are a lot more options in ARMA as far as what your character can do. So people like it others do not. I think just having the ability to look around without aiming your weapon is a huge advantage and kept wishing I had the option when playing OF. The controls in ARMA 2 can be a bit daunting but worth learning if you take the time.
If your machine is capable of turning up the graphics then ARMA 2 is definitely better looking than OF with the graphics turned up all the way.
I have a problem with vehicles in both games not being as realistic as I would like but ARMA definitely has more realistic feeling and reacting vehicles. At least after running a vehicle in to a tree enough times it will take damage and no longer work in ARMA 2. In OF I seriously ran a Humvee into over a dozen trees and drove it off a cliff to have it just land on it's roof looking no worse for wear.
The learning curve on ARMA is dramatic so if you're looking for something to jump in and play right away where you won't ask yourself what was the button to do that again then OF is the better choice.
More weapons and vehicles in ARMA2 and with the addition of a great modding community ARMA 2 keeps adding more and more content all the time.
I would like to state one last time ARMA 2's demo is horrible. In fact I almost didn't buy the full game because of the demo. The scenario in the demo is also in the full game and the demo is poorly done compared to the actual scenario.
Voice acting is very bad in ARMA 2. I would definitely say OF has the better voice acting. Having very few military rifles and hand guns I really couldn't tell you if the game sounds are better from one game to another but I do know ARMA 2 has sound packs that can be added to the game to change all the weapon sounds. I know ARMA 1 had vehicle sound packs too.
The AI in ARMA 2 is great in that every AI entity will think for itself. No scripting of events but actual thinking people. Granted it's doesn't always react as you think it would and sometimes this can be very bad but play a scenario a dozen times and the AI will never go to the same spot or do the same thing. And the ability to edit the FSM (Finite State Machine) that controls the AI is a nice touch. I would have to check on the AI in OF but from what I've played it's not bad but not as well done as ARMA 2. Just my opinion on this one.
The editing in ARMA 2 is spectacular. I've seen some amazing things done with just scripting in the editor. I've done some really cool things and I'm by no means a dedicated scriptor or editor in ARMA 2. I tried to launch the editor for OF and it wouldn't load so I can't say how it compares.
As of the latest patch I haven't ran in to the crashing that plagued the game early on. I honestly don't get to play as much as I would like do to the time my work takes up but between the two I really enjoy ARMA 2 over OF.
Look at both reviews of the games on Game Trailers. I felt they did a good job pointing out the positives and negatives of both games. Keep in mind ARMA 2 has definitely improved since it's review and OF will also improve as time goes on.
I will go back and play it more. I only paid $30 for an import version as I was sceptical and it was worth that. I'm glad I didn't buy it for the 360 though as I would have been very disappointed.
I'll retract the Hollywood statement as it definitely is not as bad as COD but not close to the claims of realism I was expecting from all the developer videos. This was just a situation where I think I raised my expectations higher than what the game gave me and was let down. It's hard to not be disappointed when the orginal Flashpoint was such a great game and inovation. And I find that same feeling playing ARMA 2 and was kind of expecting it from DR. I believe people who never played the original OF will get great enjoyment out of this game and even people who did play the original will too as long as they aren't expecting it to be like the original.
I agree that multiplayer isn't a must for a lot of games but I am disappointed to hear all the complaints of DR multiplayer. Still haven't played it so I can't give an honest opinion. But I think that is where ARMA 2 shines. I can sit down and create a scenario. Load myself and some buddies in to a chopper and play army for a little while.
All and all the games both good at what they do. I just think there are going to be a lot of people out there that are going to be disappionted by OF if the are looking for a more realistic offering as the developers, the back of the case and the OF namesake implies. I unfortunately can't fault codemasters as much as I would like as it's hard when you have the rights to a game in name but nothing else and are trying to come up with something original.
I just look at it this way. OF DR I could run for 100 yards full sprint and still shoot as straight as I do standing completely still. ARMA 2? Good luck hitting a vehicle as it definitely effects your accuracy. I don't find one any better than the other as far as fun. I like both but one game is designed to be ultra realistic and the other claims realism. That is what I find fault in and I think others have too. Both games are respectively good. I just wanted to put my two cents in so people know what they are getting from each game. I'm not saying OF DR is not realistic. It is much more so than other games but it's not to the level that I believe I thought it would be or the namesake implies.
I would recommend both but if you had to choose just one then ask yourself this. Fan of the original OF? ARMA 2 hands down. Fan of military FPS that delve in to the realm of realism and are not conserned with multiplayer at this time then go with OF DR.
Well played my first 30 minutes of the single player in Op Flash. Reminds me of a call of duty type game with the ability to roam freely. Which isn't bad but not what I really wanted from a game that has Operation Flashpoint in the title. I guess I was expecting it to stay true to the original. Which is probably why I enjoy ARMA 2 more.
I kept getting the feeling that OFDC was primarily designed with consoles in mind from the beginning. What the game does it does fairly well but I've seen it before. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the game but after 30 minutes it didn't grab me and make me want to play a bunch more. I like the game but I feel a little let down. I think I was expecting more from it. The graphics are nice but nothing spectacular. The controls work but it bugged me that to order the AI squadmates or change weapons my character was stuck in place. I really missed the fact that I can freely look around in ARMA 2 and not move my gun where I look. I ran straight in to one checkpoint, flanked four guys at about 10 feet with my character and them in the open and killed 3 of them before I finally got shot. I drove a humvee aroundand bashed it in to every tree I could find. Rolled it off a cliff on to the beach, got out pushed it over and it looked exactly the same as when I got in it. I wanted to try the multiplayer but registering through the game kept disconnecting me from their server, probably due to excessive traffic. I haven't tried the editor yet so I won't comment on it.
I'm not saying ARMA 2 is perfect but what it does it does well. And that takes everything that made the original Operation Flashpoint great and expands upon it.
So I would say if your looking for another shooter with a good presentation, nice graphics and good story that lets you freely roam the game world then pick Operation Flashpoint DC up. But if your expecting it to be anything like the original or something that isn't run of the mill then I would go with ARMA 2.
I think the whole argument of which one is better is irrelavant. I don't consider these games to be remotely similar. I would consider Operation Flashpoint a First Person Shooter in the traditional sense and ARMA 2 more of a simulation. To me comparing the two would be like trying to compare Blazing Angels to IL2-Stumovik (original PC version). One is a more arcade style flight combat game and the other is a true combat flght simulator.
What it boils down to is whichever one you like better. Hollywood style war or real war.
I still haven't received my copy of OPF2 (DAMN YOU AMAZON!) but I have ARMA 2, and I really think it's too clunky to be fun. People say it's realistic, but I've never had to scroll through menus to tell somebody to move ahead or to pull a knife out of my belt before in real life, so I think "realistic" is being used pretty generously in this case. Not only are the controls clunky, but the sound (voices mostly) is weird to me, and the combat is kind of bland. What I really like ARMA 2 for is the armory, heh.
Manga the reason the voices sound weird is BIS is located in the Czech Republic so the english voice acting is not the best. It's a pretty small studio from what I know of it.
As for the menu system it is the one BIS has used since the original Operation Flashpoint. It can be a little cumbersome but people get used to it over time. As for "realistic" options for drawing weapons and such it's no more unrealistic as pressing a button on the keyboard.
I can see you thinking the game is bland. I have a lot of friends that say the same thing. But it is a combat simulator. As such a lot of the missions are more realistic and not a bunch of non stop action. But that is why I like it. It gives a real sense of being a soldier in the battlefield.
If you like the armory look at the modding community. They are pretty good about adding weapons and vehicles from particular military units.
I just installed OF : DC so I'm going to check it out. If anyone is interested I'll give an unbiased opion of both. Not a this game sucks because the other game does this better but what I liked about it and how it differs from the other.
good to hear that it's running smoother now. but what about the AI? can i expect that choppers won't fly headlong into the trees, that dudes won't zig zag around for no apparent reason, and that my teammates are not ducking in front of cover?
I haven't played enough to say the AI has gotten better. I'm just happy it's a major step up from the AI in ARMA 1 which I felt like was a beta and then they decided to release ARMA 2 right after I bought it. But after knowing the reason why I understand.
I did have a helicopter crash in to some trees but I believe it was shot down. I wasn't paying close attention as I was in a firefight at the time. So far every other AI helicopter has landed in an open field. I'm only playing the scenarios at the moment. I did have the helicopter in the campaign that taxis me around fly in to the trees once so maybe I'll go back tonight and see if the AI is any better.
The AI is one of the things I was trying to work on with the scripting of the game. Bohemia released an article on how to work with the FSM for the AI. I ran out of time working on it due to work restrictions and I was waiting for ARMA 2 to come out.
The most intriguing thing about ARMA is just the fact the if you can find enough people you can create online military scenarios and not worry about the AI. There are some groups on the web that are dedicated to this sort of gaming. And the ability to edit the game and create great single player missions is worth it's weight in gold. I created a Spec Op mission and played it over and over testing but still found it fun even though I know where troop movements were going to be and where the objectives were located. A friend of mine created a system that allowed people to walk in to garages and have vehicles spawn via a menu system. The modding of the game is were ARMA shines.
Looks like I get my OP Flash copy tonight so I'll do an comparison as soon as I can.
i've been seeing a lot of these threads and none so far has helped me to decide which to choose. it'd be great if someone around here can give an honest account on how much of Arma2 has been fixed to date.
Jinroh I just started playing ARMA 2 after downloading the 1.4 patch. I haven't played since the 1.2 patch. Not because the game was riddled with bugs but because of lack of time.
I can honestly say I played for 3 hours straight without a single crash or any problems. Only reason I stopped playing is I had to go to bed so I could get up for work. In all honesty the only problems I had before were lockups every once in a while but adjusting my graphics seemed to take care of it.
If you want realism or what I would call as close to real as you're going to get from a game then take try out ARMA. Haven't played OF DR yet as my copy hasn't come in so I can't give you an honest opinion of the game.
If you want a great military simulator with tons of replay value the ARMA 2 is worth the money.
If my copy of Op Flash comes in tomorrow I'll tell you an honest opinion of which I like more and the reasons why.
From what I've played in the ArmA 2 demo, I wouldn't want anything to do with it. ArmA 2 may be a much deeper game, but it's also poorly made, poorly presented, and unbelievably clunky. OFP2 is right down my alley because while it's not as realistic, the developers remembered to make the game fun and accessible, and it's made for an intense experience IMO. I'd rather have a bit of both instead of having all of one to the point where playing the game is more of a chore.mo0ksi
I wouldn't go off the Demo for ARMA 2. It's definitely a case where the demo will hurt sales of the acutal game. I couldn't believe how bad the demo was. I almost didn't buy ARMA 2 but I loved the first one and figured ARMA 2 is what it was suppose to originally be so I did buy it. The actual game is amazingly better than the demo and better than ARMA 1. It does still have some bugs but most games to date do. I played NHL 09 only to be frustrated by empty promises of cheating online and autmomatic goal scoring being fixed. And when the fix came out it broke other aspects of the game. So I waited for NHL 10 which is a much more solid game. Kind of like ARMA and ARMA 2. Some things you have to wait for them to evolve. I bought OP Flash DC and will judge both after I've played both.
But as some have stated it boils down to what you are looking for in a game. I have friends who love COD Modern Warfare. I can't stand online except in Hard Core mode. But they love it. I know they will never play ARMA because they find the realism boring so I don't try to convince them of how great I think it is. So play what you like and have fun.
I wouldn't judge ARMA 2 on the demo. I played the demo and hated it. I was reluctant to purchase the full version but I liked a lot of the additions I read about and really liked the 1st game even though they should have released ARMA 2 instead. The actual full version of ARMA 2 is vastly better than the demo. This is one of those times where I think releasing a demo will actually drive people away from the game. Waiting for my copy of Op Flash : DC so I can way in.
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