Thank you for purchasing the next generation of gaming. The bundle you bbought includes th two best games ever on Ps3. But you have to get Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It's a must for every Ps3 owner. Uncharted doesnt feel like a game. You develop a fond love for the characters, you feel the excitement as you watch the cut scenes from beginning to end. Uncharted feels like it should be a movie. I mean no editing what soever. The cut scenes in the game qualify to be a movie. I say Get It! Also Uncharted 2 is coming out later this year. Check out Little Big Planet. Story mode is fun the first time around (I do not recommend playing it a 2nd time) but go online or play with a friend and you will have lots of fun. There this app in th game that lets you take photos of your charatcer. Me and my sis were playing and taking photos of us doing crap such as jumping into fire and all that crap. You will have lots of fun playing this game once you have an imagination. Did I mention you can create your own levels! You should definitey get Infamous. It freaking great. No more needs to be said. Download the demo and you will see the awesomeness. Well thats about it. Other games worth mentioning: Resistance 1 and 2 Motorstorm 1 and 2 ratchet and Clank Heavenly Sword
Who says the Ps3 doesn't have games? Okay I hear a lot of Xbox 360 fanboys tell me that the Ps3 has no games. WHat the hell are they talking about. What the Xbox 360 fanboys mean is that The Ps3 doesn't have Gears or Halo so that automatically means it doesn't have games. New flash 360 fans- Gears and Halo are not the only games out there. Let's take a look back to 2006 when it was supposedly said that the Ps3 has no games. In 2006 PS3 best seller was Resistance: Fall of Man In 2006 360 Best seller was Gears of war In 2007 after a supposedly tough year for Sony it managed to gain momentum. 2007 PS3 best seller(s) was/were Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Motorstorm 2007 Xbox 360 best seller(s) was/were Halo 3 In 2008 it was said that The Ps3 might finally be able to compete with the Xbox 360 2008 PS3 games were Metal Gear Solid , Little Big Planet, Motostorm: Pacific Rift 2008 Xbox 360 was Gears of War 2 'Now 2009 Sony has already released Infamous and Killzone 2. Microsoft has yet to release anything. Now 360 fanboys as you were saying. To me it clearly looks like the PS3 was even with the 360 in the beginning and kicked its ass afterwards. All you guys think is Gears and Halo. But guess what that's all the 360 has. 2 games!!!! The way you hype up those 2 games makes me sick. You hype 2 games and make it look like if it's 200 Well that's all I have to say! Let me see the comments now
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