The PS3 is losing reasons to buy it by the day. If it's not the once exclusive games becomming 360 games too, then it's some delay, or price worry, or manufacturing problem. Could you justify buying a console with such a string of problems on day one? I know I couldn't. Sony once proved themselves, but after the past year they now have to do it again, and I am waiting with anticipation.
Ahhhhh, that's why we didn't get PGR3 in the classics collection. Ok, I will put up the cash for this, sounds like a sweeter deal. I seem to have timed my purchase well.
I am still waiting for the European launch details, hopefully GS will put them up later today. I think the price point is pretty good, but two controllers is a must so stick an extra $60 on that. The VC looks great too, if a bit expensive. I will live with it though. Despite the fact that I will be getting a Wii at the UK launch, I am a little indifferent to the announcments they made. They could have easily been better, but on the other hand they could of done a Sony and just be downright awful.I will wait and see what the future holds.
First of all I am in the UK, so the fact that the PS3 won't be available to me is a little bit annoying. That being said, I was never going to lay down £425 at launch. I am not interested in a vast majority of the games that will be available at launch. Resistence: Fall Of Man, sure it looks good, but not £425 good. I will more than likely wait for MGS4 or FFXIII before I even consider looking down the side of the sofa for that bundle of cash I dropped down there earlier this year. A year ago I wouldn't have considered buying an Xbox 360, but over the months they have brought me round to the idea and I will be picking one up this month. Not only have Microsoft impressed me, Sony have let me down. As I said in a blog post I did, their E3 press conference was a joke and they have some major ground to cover at TGS. Only software can help them now, because they are looking a little dodgy on the hardware side of things. Either way, they talked a big talk at E3 with their worldwide launch and 2 million units and it was obviously that once you take of the rose tinted specs that the truth was somewhere behind all the spin. The latest figures are a shadow of their former selves. Sony said they weren't going to make the same mistake Microsoft did at launch? Wierd, because right now I am having DeJa Vu. I also came to the conclusion that I don't want to buy a console that is hampered at launch due to a faulty part. As much as Sony want to push Blu-Ray, for reasons that are mostly nothing to do with gaming, they can't seem to get their own hardware sorted. Blu-Ray was always the part of the PS3 that stuck out as unnecessary and now it is coming back to haunt Sony. The point still remains that at the moment the PS2 has a better lineup than the PS3, which is the wrong way round if you ask Sony.
First of all, for everyone saying "Why is there mostly PS3 games! What's with all this love for Sony", Nintendo don't usually show up at TGS and MS are definitely not big in Japan. Which explains the lack of games developed by Nintendo and why there are only a few, mostly japanese developed, MS games. Also this is not an exhaustive list, like GS said. As for me, I am looking forward to all the FF & MGS games, along with anything for the Wii. I will also be looking out for some good 360 titles, especially RPGs.
The Wii is top of my list, plus it's inexpensive so I won't have to shell out much cash. Also, the GH2 controller better be awsome, because I want a reason to pick up a second.
Any of the C&C games run well on low spec. Generals needs slightly higher but only about the same specs that Guild Wars needs. Thays my reconmendation anyway...
1. Guitar Hero (PS2)- Best Rhythm game ever? Maybe, probably in fact, all I know is that I have been playing this game pretty much every day for the past 3 months. I'm still not bored of it, I'm still not even up at the expert level (which is embarrassing) but when I get on that island I can become the Guitar Hero master ready for my return to civilisation, although chances are I will still be playing I wanna be sedated... 2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)- Now, people may look at this and think "Once you've played it you don't have much to go back for, do you?". Yes, the game play is super linear, you don't get much linear than this, and yes, at times the dialogue is long and a lot of talk about something you heard 3 hours ago. BUT!!! Have you ever completed every difficulty? I doubt it, especially the fabled European Extreme. Also, if you have done every difficulty then I can bet that you don't have every dog tag. So I may have to sit through the story around 10 times to ever do this, but all this adds up to a heck of a lot of time. Plus, it's worth it to see Raiden in a wig. 3. Command and Conquer Generals with Zero Hour expansion (PC)- There're a lot of haters for this game, yet I find myself defending it time and time again because it remains the latest and, In my opinion, greatest C&C game ever. Plus, it would take a fair few millennia to get the award for beating every map against the maximum number of hard opponents. 4. Final Fantasy VII - I am a massive FF fan, like a lot of others out there, and I am tired of the fact that I never beat this game. I got to the final section of the game about 6 years ago and never cared to go any further, perhaps not my best decision. I have the game now and have played up until the end of disc one, but seem to have just stopped. If I were on a desert island I would have nothing better to do than complete this eventually. Then I could really call myself a fan of Final Fantasy. 5. This is a tough choice to make, because I really can't think of a fitting choice. However, from looking at my other choices I may have something to fill the void... THPS3 (PS2) - I have already played this game for at least 200 hours plus, but when I forced myself to stop I wasn't tired of the game, I wanted more. I wanted to Listen to Bad Religion - You again and again and again while kick flipping myself to glory. As much as this is just a filler title, I will need a game with a scoring system in order to keep myself busy beating...well, myself.
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