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So, I just got all the persona games in the series and I have to tell you I'm in love with the series. I'll admit the first one for the PSP was really hard to understand, and on top of that the graphics weren't to great either. So 1 wasnt very good but 3 and 4 were amazing psp and PS2, And i might of missed it but i found it weird that there was no 2... weird. Anyways for people who are wondering about the PSP version of 3 was only different in the way of graphics were a little worse and not as commonly used as in the PS2 one also the selection to make the main charecter a female which does change the story but not by much. also there is also a persona 3 FES the only differences are more personas, more costumes, and a new storyline featuring aigis which is the story told from her point of view. and if they come out with 5 you can bet ill be one of the first to get it. Thank God for Pre-orders.

PSP review on the games i have

Warriors Orochi right now is one of my favorite games i love the graphics and the voices for the charecters but there are a few things that need inprovement, for example the load time take, like, 3 forevers, and the lack of a lock on feature is kinda stress full at times. currently i have 5 favoriorite charectors: Mori Ranmaru, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Zhang He, and two others whom i dont have yet Da Ji and Orochi.