I just finished watching the Doom movie and must admit I really enjoyed it. I know this movie was critically panned but it really wasn't that bad. I look at is as a big budget B movie, defnitely a cult movie.
Highlights include:
The Rock with the classic line, "I was not supposed to die". Ok that doesn't sound funny now that I read it over but it was his delivery of the line.
How dark it is. I don't mean dark as in dark comedy. It was literally dark. For a majority of the film, you cannot see it. To be fair, you can barely see it.
By far, the best part of the film is the Doom first person tribute. They recreate the whole FPS perspective and have a whole sequence based on it. The whole sequence runs about ten minutes. They recreate the game experience so well, I was expecting a health and an armor HUD to pop up on the screen. I know all the fans would enjoy this if they saw it as it really has to be seen to believed. I enjoyed the FPS tribute that I forgive Hollywood for all the bad video game movies, well almost all of them.
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