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she_is_wicked Blog


1. I haven't posted since I sent in my ED app... I was accepted about two months after I posted that. I'm 100% going there next year, ridiculously excited. I've been reading the poli-sci major requirements and the fact that I only have to take courses that interest me is ridiculously excited.

2. I'm in 100% senior-slump mode.

3. I've somehow lost all my editorships. Which is really not that surprising, considering I haven't updated them in like a year+

4. I'm happy.


Just a hello.

I'm doing the whole senior-year college thing. [ie. Early Decision apps! Crossed-fingers will be appreciated)

so don't expect to see much of me.

but I hope everyone is doing alright... and i do hope to be on more later

Nom Nom Nom Updates

1. I got firefox a few months ago. Besides generally pwning internet explorer, it also spellchecks. So expect fewer spelling mistakes from me in future

2. I have spent my summer driving, watching project runway [see below], and attending camps. it has been exciting. i am generally too lazy to press my shift key right now.

3. I've gone to a law camp, am going to another law camp tomorrow [um. yay resume building!]. and went to nerd camp three weeks ago. nerd camp was semi-epic - it was mine and my friends' last summer so we went all out with the excitement of being at book camp. no, but seriously... i loved it and it's rather sad that i'll never be back as a camper.

4. I have theories about project runway season 5: methinks Bravo is trying to kill the show before lifetime gets it. Hence the sub-par designers. [at least. i think they are sub-par compared to season 4].

Daniel is my favorite, followed by Kinley. I find him adorable in his slight emo-ness

[I read Wikipedia spoilers that Daniel is in the top three and second-runner up... and then I realize that that is impossible as fashion week hasn't ... happened yet. Damn you Wikipedia. But I got all excited...]

5. that be all

Why I Am Insanely Happy Right Now...

A quick one, but I feel the need to blog

So, I found a college

That I love.

And it's 4ish hours from home, so far enough away, but not too far

It has everything that I'm looking for

The girls there DRESS like me (it was freakish, my tour guide and I had the same general outfit on)


I could probably get into it.

All the work suddenly seems to have a purpose.

In Order To Get Good Grades...

I need to have no friends.

No. Seriously.

10th grade was the best year of my academic career. And the absolute worst year socially and emotionally. I don't care to go into the story, but rest be assured, I was MISERABLE 99% of the time.

And now I couldn't be happier. (Well... if I had better grades, I would be, but you know). I have absolutely amazing friends now who I have an amazing time around. And my grades be a'suffering.

Aside from the fact that I go out on the weekends instead of playing the SIMs... I'm not studying any more or less.

Just odd... is all

5 Fast Updates

1. Driving - I start driving school next week =). I haven't been able to before now due to various other thing I had to do when the lessons were. I'm quite excited.

2. SATS - I didn't bomb, but I'm not happy, so I'm retaking

3. Music - I've recently gotten into Wizard Rock (I know, just now... I would have thought I would have been into it for a long time...) The band Ministry of Magic is ridiculously awesome - my favorite are "here in your car," "snape vs. snape," and "accio love." check them out...

4. Broadway - I SAW HAIRSPRAY TODAY! Finally! I've only wanted to see if for like two years... it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Seriously, it's definetly in my top five out of all the shows I've seen. It was glorious, so high-energy...

5. Prom - Apparently March is prom planning season (who knew?) and things are working out exactly how I hoped they would in that department...

I'm generally really happy right now. Happy Easter =D

The Permit Be Mine

Yes, I finally got it.

And I've driven . . . and it's quite awesome.

As for other stuff... eh. Nothing's really changed, school's eating my life, my summer is full of law camps and summer work and of course, book camp.

Oh, I saw Xanadu. It was alright. I feel like I missed a lot of jokes as I did not exist in the 80s and the music wasn't my favorite. I was in the very front row though. That was cool.

And I'm goign to debate states - only person on the team whose gone for three years. And I plan to go for four.

Yeah, that's it.

A New Obsession.

I don't have the permit in case you were wondering. Tuesday the DMV was closed, Wednesday I had work right after school until after it closed, and I've been really sick since Thursday morning. Ugg.

So, you might have noticed from the icon, but I'm now offically obessessed with Project Runway and Christian.

I was originally going to make this longer, but I'm tired. So, apologies.

I Do Attempt to Exist on Some Level

I have a feeling this blog will contain a lot about Harry Potter and Broadway. Make of this what you will.

In 45 hours, I will have a drivers permit. In 45 hours I might have operated a car for the first time in my life. (this is unlikely, but I COULD have. And that's what really matters). Oh, this is sweet.

My highest SAT score is offically a 2380. I'm so close. Just need to work on the essay and that 2400 could very possibly be mine.

As for Harry Potter, I've been reading a lot of Sirius/Remus fanfiction lately... I actually found a good one. It's called Momentum, if you google "Momentum, fanfiction" it's the first one. If you're into that kinda thing, I would check it out. It's 42 chapers, and conflict is being handled suprisingly well... most SBRL fanfics I read are great when they're fluffy but when conflict is introduced. Ew. Anyways, I spent all Saturday reading it and it was a good time...

I also watched Brokeback Mountain on Saturday. It was a disapointment, very random in some places... it was still a good movie, definetly in my top 10. But I was expecting it to be ridiculously good... but whatever, I appreciate that I am difficult to please when it comes to movies. I had a good time watching it.

Sometimes I wonder why I write these things... I basically just ramble and no one reads them. There really is no point. But I guess it is good to clear the head sometimes. I swear, I'm much more organized and well-spoken in real life, and I like to think I'm more intelligent that the impression you're probably getting from this rambling. I'm not sure of that one though...

Now onto Broadway? Yay for a semblance of organization...

Here be my offical list of shows I want to see (this be in order):

-Rent [*whimper*]
-Little Mermaid
-Spring Awakening
-Avenue Q
-The Lion King

Here be my offical list of soundtracks I want to here (this not be in order):

-Legally Blonde
-Jersey Boys
-The Color Purple
-Phantom (only because I keep telling people I'll get it)
-Young Frakenstein

Comments? Suggestions? Let me know... I'm in a very Bway mood right now.

There be a snow storm outside... Nor'easter, very very windy, very very cold, very very... snowy? *goes to look out window* ah, okay, not yet. But the conditions are perfect, so I hope. I could use a snowday, we've only had one and it was really more of an ice day. I do appreciate nature at times and my backyard (which is mostly all pine trees) looks delightful when convered in snow...

I have a feeling this is getting long. If you read all this, kudos. If you leave a comment, that would be uber nice.

So, I've been thinking about names. I really would like to go by Eponine on this site, and I try too... its my typical internet name. So I'm going to start signing off blogs with that. It makes it more personal, methinks... like an open letter of sorts. A letter you should respond to. With comments. Comments are nice.

Final Shameless Plea for Comments,


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