I have a feeling this blog will contain a lot about Harry Potter and Broadway. Make of this what you will.
In 45 hours, I will have a drivers permit. In 45 hours I might have operated a car for the first time in my life. (this is unlikely, but I COULD have. And that's what really matters). Oh, this is sweet.
My highest SAT score is offically a 2380. I'm so close. Just need to work on the essay and that 2400 could very possibly be mine.
As for Harry Potter, I've been reading a lot of Sirius/Remus fanfiction lately... I actually found a good one. It's called Momentum, if you google "Momentum, fanfiction" it's the first one. If you're into that kinda thing, I would check it out. It's 42 chapers, and conflict is being handled suprisingly well... most SBRL fanfics I read are great when they're fluffy but when conflict is introduced. Ew. Anyways, I spent all Saturday reading it and it was a good time...
I also watched Brokeback Mountain on Saturday. It was a disapointment, very random in some places... it was still a good movie, definetly in my top 10. But I was expecting it to be ridiculously good... but whatever, I appreciate that I am difficult to please when it comes to movies. I had a good time watching it.
Sometimes I wonder why I write these things... I basically just ramble and no one reads them. There really is no point. But I guess it is good to clear the head sometimes. I swear, I'm much more organized and well-spoken in real life, and I like to think I'm more intelligent that the impression you're probably getting from this rambling. I'm not sure of that one though...
Now onto Broadway? Yay for a semblance of organization...
Here be my offical list of shows I want to see (this be in order):
-Rent [*whimper*]
-Little Mermaid
-Spring Awakening
-Avenue Q
-The Lion King
Here be my offical list of soundtracks I want to here (this not be in order):
-Legally Blonde
-Jersey Boys
-The Color Purple
-Phantom (only because I keep telling people I'll get it)
-Young Frakenstein
Comments? Suggestions? Let me know... I'm in a very Bway mood right now.
There be a snow storm outside... Nor'easter, very very windy, very very cold, very very... snowy? *goes to look out window* ah, okay, not yet. But the conditions are perfect, so I hope. I could use a snowday, we've only had one and it was really more of an ice day. I do appreciate nature at times and my backyard (which is mostly all pine trees) looks delightful when convered in snow...
I have a feeling this is getting long. If you read all this, kudos. If you leave a comment, that would be uber nice.
So, I've been thinking about names. I really would like to go by Eponine on this site, and I try too... its my typical internet name. So I'm going to start signing off blogs with that. It makes it more personal, methinks... like an open letter of sorts. A letter you should respond to. With comments. Comments are nice.
Final Shameless Plea for Comments,
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