Yo whats up?
me not alot just kicking.
I thought id right a blog about 2 games that I have been playing and give some impressions on them.
The first game ill cover is AVP
AVP short for Aliens VS. Predator is the next gen revival of a scare your pants of fest made up from two bad A$$ alien SCI FI films put together for the ultimate hunt. belive it or not Gamespot gave it a 5.5 and everybody was like ZOMG gamespot you stink but in all honesty I agree with most of the points which was stated
-The Controls are wonky (stupid aliens)
-The Level Design is very simple and cliche
But the Points I think make this game sexy are
-The Brutal Violence
-The Predators are awesome
-Multiplayer Free for All is awesome as ever.
I could list many other points, Rebellion did a preety could effort, they could of fixed up many of the bugs here and there but the singleplayer game was short so maybe some new DLC guys?
Second game down is Bioshock 2, and if you have been living under a rock Bioshock is just a wonderful game dude.
Bioshock 2 is radgame but no where nere as good as the first game. Its felt a bit lost in the story element and the action was more focused this time around, not saying that we had puzzles thrown in for us and stuff. The new suprise for Bioshock 2 is the Multiplayer which is well like every other shooter but with the Bioshock vibe.
All I can say is if you like the first one you will like this one.
And in final news Soundwave is hitting it off.if your not Australian its a music festival. It kicked of in Brisbane today and I shall be going to the Melbourne gig on the 26th. Ill do a blog about the day if im still alive.
The Bands I am looking forward to see are...
Faith No More.
Janes Addiction.
Jimmy Eat World.
Eagles Of Death Metal.
The Creepshow.
The Aquabats.
I think im gonna trouble trying to see them all... lolz
Well thats all I got to say yeah.
take care.